Mine heart is that of a Minstrel 'tis true . . . but the Garden beckons to me oft. For 'tis here where I come to Weave mine Dreams and place quill to parchment, as all good Scribes are want to do. Many an Enchanted Sprite will come here to play; together, we all dream of the greatest Quest of all, of our journey ahead, and that which we wish to Celebrate.
Those who dwell with our fair Queen Guinevere will sometimes come to climb the trees, to better view the Sentinels as they train. Of course, those in training with the well-reknowned Lancelot should fare well in the Battlefield.
The Wizards of Design oft climb high within the Tower as they discuss plans for new designs. Sometimes, the wondrous Goddess of Goodwill encourages castle dwellers to participate in special activities for all to enjoy. Me thinks 'tis Her hope that if we play games, we shan't fear the Cave of Temptation. But why should we fear, when the Lake of Hope lends us strength and encouragment?
So cross the lowered Drawbridge and fear not, my friends! Pass safely across the Moat and join us, today. For the greatest Kingdom of all, beckons to thee. . . .

Font used is: Magic: the Gathering, available here.

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