
Once known as the Russian Wolfhound, the Borzoi originated in 17th-century Russia. The first Standard ever written about the Borzoi was in 1650, and it is believed the first Borzoi came to America in 1889. The Borzoi was originally bred to hunt wild game on fairly open terrain, relying on its sight more then scent. Because of their sight hound heritage, Borzois should never be left off a leash or allowed to roam outside of a fenced yard.

Borzoi on lure course

Borzois are very quiet dogs who seldom bark; a large dog, it will happily curl up in a corner very comfortably. Special emphasis is placed on sound running gear (legs).


The Borzoi should always possess unmistakable elegance, with flowing lines, graceful in motion or repose. The skull is slightly domed, long and narrow, with scarcely any perceptible stop. Borzois should be Roman-nosed, with long, powerful jaws.

Ch Stillwater Islands in T'Stream

The Borzois neck should be clean and free from throatiness, slightly arched and very powerful. His shoulders should be sloping, fine at the withers and free from coarseness, with a rather narrow chest. The ribs are slightly sprung - but very deep giving room for heart and lung play.

The coat should be long and silky - not wooly - either flat, wavy or rather curly. Any color, or combination of colors, is acceptable. The Borzoi's coat is known to shed, so regular grooming is a must.


The over-all appearance of a Borzoi in motion should be that of effortless power, endurance, speed, agility, smoothness and grace. Moving at a fast trot, all four feet tend to move inwards towards a center line - even though the hind legs are set wider apart then the front. The Borzoi has very strong and powerful hindquarters, so when viewing him in motion, one should notice a ground-covering stride from well-angulated stifles and hocks.


For more information on this elegant dog, please contact the Borzoi Club of America.


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