The Egyptian Mau (mau is the Egyptian word for cat) has been immortalized in the artwork of the ancient Egyptians, leaving no questions that this cat is, indeed, the cat domesticated from a subspecies of the African Wild Cat. In Egypt, these cats were worshipped as dieties, cherished as pets, mummified and mourned when they died and protected by laws. To view one of these delightful cats, you must be impressed by their striking appearance . . . their personality is as delightful as their appearance.

Egyptian Mau, GC, RW EMAU'S BACK TO THE FUTURE, Third Best of Breed Egyptian Mau,Silver Female. Photo: © James Childs 1999

The Egyptian Mau is the only naturally spotted breed of domesticated cat. The Mau is an extremely devoted cat, placing great importance on family -- both its human and own family. As a breed, they are a moderately active cat. A happy Mau will display its happiness with a soft, melodious chortle and wriggling their tails swiftly while treading with their front paws.


Maus come in five (5) colors: silver, bronze, smoke, black and blue. They have an elegant body that is randomly spotted, banded legs and tail, expressive gooseberry green eyes, distinctive mascara lines, a worried expression on their face, and a graceful cheetah-like stride. The black and the blue Mau are not eligible for the show ring, but can be registered and like all other Maus, make excellent pets.

Pricing on Egyptian Maus usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National or Regional winning parentage (NW or RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM).

GC, NW KIKORI ALEXANDRIA, Best of Breed Egyptian Mau, Silver Female. Photo: © Chanan 1999

Breeders normally wait until kittens are twelve to sixteen weeks of age before making them available for adoption/purchase. By twelve weeks, kittens should have their basic innoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment.

The CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) recommends you keep your Egyptian Mau indoors, spay/neuter it and provide a scratching post (for the natural behavior of scratching). The CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery.

For more information on this beautiful, distinctive cat, please contact:

PO Box 1005
Manasquan, NJ 08736-0805


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