Goldie, and Irish Terrier pup

One of the oldest of the terrier breeds, the Irish Terrier is an affectionate, good tempered daredevil. An absolutely loyal companion to his family, the Irish Terrier is known for running headfirst, blind to any consequences, and is an interested playmate and protector of children, eager to join in their fun and frolic.

This terrier must be active - lithe and wiry in movement, with great animation; sturdy and strong in substance and bone structure, but at the same time free from clumsiness, for speed, power and endurance are most essential. It is of the utmost importance that the Irish Terrier show fire and animation.


The Irish Terrier is good tempered, spirited and game; tender with those he loves, the Irish Terrier is ever on guard, standing between his home and all that threatens. Their coat color should be whole-colored : bright red, golden red, red wheaten, or wheaten, with the coat having a dense and wiry texture.

The Irish Terrier's body should be moderately long, the back strong and straight. Their ears are small and V-shaped and of moderate thickness; set well on the head, and dropping forward closely toward the outside corner of the eye. The head is long, but in nice proportion to the rest of the body.

This dog convey's character! There is a heedless and reckless pluck about the Irish Terrier which is characteristic to the breed. When this pluck is coupled with the headlong -- blind-to-all-consequences -- dash with which he rushes an adversary, it is easy to see why the breed has earned the proud epithet of "Daredevil."

To learn more about this daredevil dog, please visit the Irish Terrier Club of America.


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