The Javanse standard is identical to that of the Balinese - a cat of Siamese type with long flowing coat, the only difference being in the colors accepted for championship competition. Finally accepted by CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) for championship competition as of May 1986, the Javanese is everything that is Balinese, and then some. The intelligence, grace and refinement of the Siamese, the luxurious silk of the Balinese coat, combined with the designer colors of the Colorpoint Shorthair are what make up this stunning breed.

GC KLM'S THANK HEAVENS 4LITTLE GIRLS!, Best of Breed Javanese, Blue-Lynx Point Female. Photo: © Chanan 1999

The Javanese is a study of contradictions, a breed for people who want a little spice in their life! Their appearance is one of elegant refinement -- almost fragile in appearance -- yet in reality, they are hard and muscular with surprising strength. Those slender, fragile looking lines and flowing coat hide a rock hard body capable of amazing feats.

The Javanese is highly intelligent; many will fetch favorite toys tossed -- but don't delude yourself into thinking you taught them this game. In reality, they have cleverly taught you how to throw! They quickly learn their human's normal routine, and will talk -- gently reminding you when you are late with meals or play time, joyously greeting you whenever you have been away. As a rule, the Javanese voice is softer and gentler than the Siamese.


The Javanese comes in many colors -- each with its own personality! The tortie points seem to be an acquired taste, either you like them or you don't. Color-wise, the markings can vary from a soft sprinkling of red and cream on a background of seal, blue, chocolate or lilac, to bold splashes of color. Personality-wise, some say the tortie is to the Javanese, what the dizzy blonde or crazy redhead is to humans!

The red and cream point Javanese, are the laid back lovers -- they seem to exist, only to love you. They will often take breaks from their playing, to reassure you that they still love you. Lynx points are one of the most popular patterns; the colors can be blue, chocolate, lilac, and red and cream point -- but there's nothing quite as dramatic, as silvery stripes on a seal point background. The personality of a lynx point is one extreme to another. Either very regal and dignified, to those that seem to be part monkey or squirrel, creative and always entertaining with tricks and toys.

The Javanese also come in seal, blue, chocolate and lilac point colors similar to the Siamese and Balinese. NOTE: if showing is what interests you, please note these colors are not eligible for championship competition in CFA. Whatever the color, the Javanese coat is easy to care for. It never mats, and they tend to shed less than the Siamese or Colorpoints. An occasional combing and bath, to refresh the sensuous silky texture of their coat, is all that is necessary outside of regular nail clipping.


Pricing on Javanese usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National or Regional winning parentage (NW or RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). Breeders tend to use Siamese and Colorpoints in their breeding programs, so kittens that are marked like Siamese are almost always sold as pets, while those that are marked like Colorpoints are used within breeding programs.

Kittens are normally made available for adoption, between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. A twelve week old (and older) kitten, should have its basic innoculations, and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment. CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) highly recommends keeping your Javanese indoors, spaying/neutering and providing a scratching post -- for the natural behavior of scratching. CFA strongly disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery.

For more information on this devilishly sweet cat, please contact:

PO Box 1005
Manasquan, NJ 08736-0805


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