An all-round working and utlity terrier, the Kerry Blue originated in Ireland. The Kerry Blue was bred to hunt small game and birds, and for retrieving from land and water. He is an affectionate dog who is extremely loyal to his family. Friendly and intelligent, the Kerry Blue is quite comfortable as a house dog. The Kerry Blue requires weekly brushing and a professional scissors-trim every few months.

Rising, Kerry Blue Terrier

The typical Kerry Blue should be in good balance, with a well-developed and muscular body. The head is long, but not exaggerated in length -- in good proportion to the rest of the body. Their eyes are dark and small, not prominent, with a keen terrier expression. The ears of a Kerry Blue are small and "V" shaped, carried forward close to the cheeks with the top of the folded ear slightly above the level of the skull.


The Kerry Blue has a moderately long neck that is slightly arched -- carried proudly. His tail is set high and should be carried gaily erect, the straighter the tail the better. Their forelegs are straight from both front and side view, and their hindquarters are strong and muscular.

Dancer, Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier coat is soft, dense and wavy. Coat color in a mature Kerry Blue is any shade of blue gray or gray blue from the deep slate to light blue gray. Distinctly darker to black parts may appear on the muzzle, head, ears, tail and feet.

Kerry color, in its process of "clearing" from an apparent black at birth to the mature gray blue or blue gray, passes through one or more transitions--involving a very dark blue (darker than deep slate), shades or tinges of brown, and mixtures of these, together with a progressive infiltration of the correct mature color. Solid black is never permissible in the show ring. Black on the muzzle, head, ears, tail and feet is permissible at any age. -- From the Kerry Blue Terrier Standard

The gait of the Kerry Blue should show full freedom of action, the elbows hanging perpendicularly to the body and working clear of the sides in movement. Both forelegs and hind legs should move straight forward when traveling.

To learn more about the Kerry Blue Terrier, please contact The Kerry Blue Terrier or United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc.


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