
The Maltese, although small, was once known as the "Maltese Lion Dog." He is without fear. The Maltese is a good choice for people who live in small apartments because of his size, but for the same reason it is not a good candidate for those with small children, unless the owner can provide constant supervision.

A Toy Group dog, the Maltese is covered from head to ground with a mantle of long, silky, white hair. The coat requires daily brushing to keep its elegant appearance. The coat is a single layer - no undercoat. It hangs long, flat, and silky over the sides of the body almost, if not quite, to the ground. The long head-hair may be tied up in a topknot or it may be left hanging.

CH. Richelieus True Love Ways


The Maltese's body is compact, the height from the withers to the ground equaling the length from the withers to the root of the tail. The tail is a long-haired plume carried gracefully over the back, its tip lying to the side over the quarter. Weight under 7 pounds, with from 4 to 6 pounds preferred.

Always My Heart's Desire

The Maltese moves with a jaunty, smooth, flowing gait. Viewed from the side, he gives an impression of rapid movement.

The skull of a Maltese is slightly rounded on top, with the stop moderate. Eyes are very dark, and round, with the black rims enhancing the gentle yet alert expression.


Among the gentlest mannered of all little dogs, the Maltese is lively and playful as well as vigorous. He is gentle-mannered and affectionate, eager and sprightly in action, and, despite his size, possessed of the vigor needed for the satisfactory companion. His trust and affectionate responsiveness make this "ancient dogge of Malta," very appealing.

CH. Excalibur

For more information on this ancient dogge of Malta, please contact the Maltese Club of America.


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