
ST's Critter Links

Dog Info Links
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Lynstorm Kennels
CH. Heather
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To Breed, or not to Breed


AKC - American Kennel Club, loads of info on purebred dogs
ASSA - American Shetland Sheepdog Association, Sheltie Parent club
Sheltie Bloodlines - lots of history, helps in tracing your dogs background
AVMA Pet Poison Guide - excellent site to bookmark, great reference
Pet Loss, Grief Support - Rainbow Bridge here, and candlelight services
Sheltie International - one of THE best all-Sheltie magazines around!
Sheltie Pacesetter - also one of THE best all-Sheltie magazines

Sheltie Breeder Links

Clan Duncan Shelties
Snovali Shelties
Valmar Shelties

GA Collie Breeder

GA Collie Club
Georgia Collies
Glendale Farm
Honeysuckle Farm
(where Luna came from!)

Wolf Links

Wolf Park
Wolf Shop
Wolf Timbers
Wild Wolf Women of the Web
To Breed, or not to Breed
that is the question...

Once upon a time, I had a very good article concerning breeding, posted on a former free site I had. The article had statistics, quotes from some well known, established and highly reputable breeders, and some funny/'cutesy' anecdotes from some breeders - myself included - from the Maumee Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club, Inc., in Toledo, Ohio. Alas, the article was lost, eaten by the cyber monster that attacks unsuspecting site builders, cunningly targeting those who didn't think to keep an off site backup. Painful lesson. Please be patient while I gather all those interesting statistics all over again, and feel free to browse through the rest of my domain.

There is a backup, now! *winks*

The preceding paragraphs were from my 2003 information, so it is well past time to update! I never did find the information I once had, so let's simply use common sense, shall we? First and foremost, consider how many animals are placed for adoption, yearly. The Humane Society has a yearly report, which lists adoptions in the thousands. These are success stories, homes are found - but what about all of the animals not able to be rehabilitated, those too sick, too mean, too old - to find homes? As much as you love your Miss Fluff and King, can you 100% guarantee you will find suitable, lifelong homes for their offspring? It is estimated, by the Humane Society, that over 4 million animals are euthanized, yearly.
Now let's consider a nasty side business, related to pet over population... dog fighting. Pit bulls are one of the most abused in the dog kingdom, many still bred simply to fight. Which makes it difficult for the rare, reputable breeder who is trying to change the public opinion of this breed. The Humane Society has a fact sheet about dog fighting; and the ASPCA lists dog fighting as extreme cruelty. While I am by no means a PETA supporter (I believe in animal welfare, not animal rights) they do offer worthwhile information on what to do if you find or suspect dog fighting near you. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has been working hard against all forms of animal fighting, not just dog fights.
Helium has a section on poetry concerning dog fights, very touching poetry! Green Day Community also has a poem by Melvin B. Tolson, and Emma Alberts has a very touching poem listed on Poem Hunter.
Now consider money. Jane Anderson has a well written article here; while she may be from Australia, her information is valid no matter where you are from. Bellcrest Boxers lists the amount of money per litter, back in 1998 - imagine how much they spend, today! The Dobermin Pinscher Club of America has the cost of breeding a litter of Dobies, in 2008, so the amount is closer to what one might pay today. And O'Mai Alaskan Malamutes has up-to-date figures, with this 2012 cost of litter page. You see, many people have the misconception that breeders make oodles and oodles of money, and that just isn't so. Breeding is a labor of love, actually. Love of the breed, mind you, not usually one particular dog. A breeder not only is knowledgable about his own line of dogs, but the breed, in general. He knows what problems can arise, and has a plan to either eradicate that problem, or at the very least, reduce it to a manageable level. Like the various eye problems in Collies - CEA, Collie Eye Anomaly - a reputable breeder tests his animals, and is aware of any possible abnormality and knows not to breed affected animals.

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