
ST's Critter Links

Dog Info Links
Critter Links - Cat, Horse & Wild Animals

Lynstorm Kennels
CH. Heather
Tribute Page
To Breed, or not to Breed


AKC - American Kennel Club, loads of info on purebred dogs
ASSA - American Shetland Sheepdog Association, Sheltie Parent club
Sheltie Bloodlines - lots of history, helps in tracing your dogs background
AVMA Pet Poison Guide - excellent site to bookmark, great reference
Pet Loss, Grief Support - Rainbow Bridge here, and candlelight services
Sheltie International - one of THE best all-Sheltie magazines around!
Sheltie Pacesetter - also one of THE best all-Sheltie magazines

Sheltie Breeder Links

Clan Duncan Shelties
Snovali Shelties
Valmar Shelties

GA Collie Breeder

GA Collie Club
Georgia Collies
Glendale Farm
Honeysuckle Farm
(where Luna & Stevie came from!)

Wolf Links

Wolf Park
Wolf Shop
Wolf Timbers
Wild Wolf Women of the Web

Animals have always played a big part in my life; for as long as I can remember,  I've always loved animals,  both mythical and  'real.'    Dogs have always had the most prominent place in my heart and home,  although I've also had the priviledge of being owned by cats,  rats,  birds,  horses,  and a pygmy goat  --  just to name a few!
Lynstorm Shelties  was 'born' in the mid-80's.    Originally called  Sterling Shelties,  we were a small hobby kennel.    The official name change came about once I learned there was another,  older kennel of the same name,  and following my divorce.    Although I am no longer an active breeder or handler  --  and I do miss both greatly  --  I still hold strongly to the ethics behind my kennel breeding program.    Please feel free to read Lynstorm Shelties brief history,  and my personal  tribute  to my beloved,  lost furbabies.
The section on wolves is a graphical showcase of the very talented wildlife photographer,  Monty Farber,  of  Wolf Park,  with easy-to-read facts and information about this beautiful,  misunderstood creature.
Sometime in the future,  I hope to place photo's of some of the other important animals in my life.     Decker,  my son's Afghan Hound now seen on my Tribute page . . . Smurf,  my daughter's rescue Collie . . . Serenity and Camaro,  our horses.    Even old #98,  our first beef cow!    There are stories behind each animal,  changes they made to our lives by being a part of our family . . . however,  the photo's will  (unfortunately)  have to wait for awhile,  due to a fire in July 1999,  I lost everything I owned.    Pictures, placement ribbons, prizes won  -  not to mention baby pictures, every photo album I had, books, clothes  -  like I said, I lost everything.    My daughter is looking through her albums,  for suitable photo's to use, and my daughter-in-law is trying to repair some she did find.
As I am most interested in and fond of, the dogs in the Herding Group, you will find many of the herding breeds here, listed under "Dog Info Links," in the left side menu, while cats, horses, and various wild animals are listed under "Critter Links" on the left side menu. Those dogs classified in other AKC Groups, will have their grouping noted. My personal pages have information and links on my favorite breed, the Shetland Sheepdog, as well as the short history of my kennel, Lynstorm Shelties. Please feel free to browse through out all of my "critters" pages. I hope you learn, but most importantly, enjoy!


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