People born under the sign of the Wolf are sensitive and intuitive. They have an ability to rise up in both mind and spirit to the clear heights of knowledge and understanding. Like the wolf, they need clearly defined territory, at home, at work or within a relationship. They are easily upset when their "space" has been intruded upon without invitation.
They also find it difficult to deal with emotional issues and often feel vulnerable. Staying instead on the brink of caution and ready. This unfortunately affects the way they make decisions, especially about relationships. Thus the strength of the wolf is called upon here. To learn the lesson as guardian while still moving with the flow of life easily and effortlessly.
Wolf people look for permanence in a relationship, mating for life as their animal counter part does. When a Wolf person is forced to undergo a time of change from a partner, they often feel over whelmed and totally devastated. Often causing long lasting affects that can create many emotional problems later in life. Again, the strength of the animal wolf is called upon. Learning how to move through the flow of life and realizing death is merely another stage of the play. Whether it be a real physical death, or merely the death of a relationship, change is necessary for growth and balance within ones life.
Their ability with thought and "hunting" make wolf people natural researchers. Always looking for information in philosophy and religion to give meaning and purpose to life. This ability also makes them wonderful parents and teachers of children. They often find the right words, the right way and the right moment to soften the blow of bad news for child and adult alike.

I offer a few Native Indian related links to you, my friends.

Native American Indian Resources      Native American Spirituality
The Eagle's Flight      Welcome to Iron Bear's World      Twin Shaman
Trail of Tears      Wind Walker -- Light of the Spirit      Thunder Rolls

"Each animal has its own Master Spirit which owns all the animals of its kind . . . so all the animals are the children of the Master Spirit that owns them. It is just like a large family.    Raining Bird

Brightest Blessings.

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