Reading the Cards


Tarot 101

Let's start with a little explanation of what Tarot cards are meant to do. I will be dealing with pictorial cards only, not regular playing decks. Regular playing decks CAN be used, but quite honestly, that's not "my field."

The Tarot is a sort of sacred machine, devised to answer your question by freezing (here's where the picture part comes in) it in time, so that you can decipher it. By studying the picture, a flash of intuition can come to you, revealing a meaning that possibly was hidden from you, only a moment before. So, using the cards to get in touch with your feelings, is one of its most important uses.

While studying the picture on the cards, allow your mind to "free associate." Through free association, your conscious mind is communicating with your Higher Self - the source of your inner voice. This communication is done via symbols - the pictures - as that's the language our subconscious mind understands best.

Because the pictures are so important, you need to take great care when purchasing your first deck. Look over several decks - you can see examples of the artwork even on a wrapped deck. There should be either a card drawn on the box, or a small opening allowing the back of a card to be seen.

Study these decks and allow your mind to wander. Which deck are you drawn to? Which picture seems to be telling you something? The perfect deck for you, is the one who's picture "pulls" you the most, allowing your imagination to soar.


The Major Arcana

These are the first twenty-two cards in the deck, starting with the number "0", The Fool, and going up to the number "21," The World. These 22 cards represent the secret spiritual principles of life, or the "arcane." I'm sure we can all relate to the journey's we take through out life. We start off as The Fool, an innocent and trusting person, poised on the threshold of the cycle of growth. With growth, comes experience. We then eventually arrive at The World. View The World as our graduation, the culmination of a major period in our life.

Each card in the Major Arcana, represents major stages of growth and learning ... once we've gone through them all, we're ready to start again on our soul's quest for experience and self-knowledge.

The Minor Arcana

These cards are actually the origin of our modern day, "regular" playing card deck. The four suits - Clubs, Spades, Hearts and Diamonds, are the offspring of the Tarot's traditional four suits - Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles. The Fool, in the Tarot deck, is represented by The Joker in a "regular" card deck.

The Minor Arcana is connects to our everyday, earthly reality as human beings, and isn't as concerned with spiritual realities like the Major Arcana.


The High PriestessLet's examine a card. Pictured here is The High Priestess. Study her, and allow your mind to wander. Does she evoke any special memories, even those seemingly unrelated? The High Priestess is our Intuition. She tells us to become more aware and receptive, even psychic. The Moon - above her - is also associated with intuition and awareness. Even though she is surrounded by darkness, the Moon is lighting her path - just as intuition brings the dawning of understanding.

Within the circle of the half-Moon, sits an Owl. The Owl represents perception, all-seeing. Owl also represents wisdom, for its ability to see in the dark ... to take it one step further, Owl is the messenger of our subconscious.

As you study the card and allow your mind to wander, your subconscious will send messages to your conscious mind, that you must then try to decipher the meaning, in relation to whatever question you ask during your reading. Depending on where the High Priestess was drawn in your reading, different impressions should come to your mind. No matter where she is placed in a lay-out, her main message concerns Intuition.

The Tarot is a decision-making tool. Remember, our free will is more powerful than any Tarot reading ... the answers we receive in a reading, are only indications of what might be. It is a very strong tool, but it's not more powerful than those of us who ask the questions ... we are responsible for our own actions.

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