Krystal grimaced in disgust, looking at the curb. She just knew sitting here, would ruin her dress. Not that I can't afford to buy another one, she thought, but, that isn't the point. Damn you, Jason!
She glanced back towards the theater. I can't see a thing, she thought, it's too dark. You would think they'd have streetlights on or something.
She massaged her foot gently, cautiously. Krystal wasn't in any rush to add to her discomfort. She leaned closer, trying to see how bad her injury was. It's no use, she thought, I can't see a thing.
Krystal stood up, placing most of her weight on her uninjured foot, only allowing the toes of her other foot to touch the ground. She began walking slowly towards town, never glancing around. Never noticing the twin beam of lights, heading her way.

The low rumbling roar of an engine directly behind her, made her jump. She stumbled as she turned around. The sharp pain in her foot made her glare at the car.
"Oh great," she said, "now I've stubbed my other toe!" Her scowl firmly in place, she demanded, "Well? What's keeping you? Help me to the car, I'm injured! And you better pray your seats don't get my dress dirty, too."
Monica jumped to do as she was told, running to help her friend to the car.
"Oh my gosh Krystal," she said, "what happened to you? Are you all right? Where's Jason? Is he hurt too?"
"That loser," Krystal said as she arranged her features into a pretty pout, "was absolutely horrid to me, Monica. Really, he was. Ohhh, my foot hurts."
Monica listened to Krystal's complaints as she helped her to the passenger seat. Watched, as Krystal reached to wipe imaginary dirt from her seat, before lowering herself to it. She wouldn't allow herself to react to Krystal's putdowns and snide remarks. She didn't even react when Krystal's beautiful features arranged into surprised delight.
"Wow Monica," she said, "these leather seats are amazing, as soft as butter. Unbelievable." Krystal looked around the interior, a small smile of amazement in place. The interior of the car was lavish. "And the stereo. Absolutely killer sounds. It almost sounds like I'm at a concert performance, and I love the Smashing Pumpkins!"
Krystal narrowed her eyes, staring at Monica. How in the world could she afford these seats, stereo, she thought. I knew she was working on her car, but get real. That stereo is state of the art! It must have cost a fortune. A fortune Monica doesn't have.
Monica kept a slight smile frozen in place. She concentrated on the dark road in front of her. She didn't want to look at Krystal. She was certain Krystal would have one of her phony maudlin smiles, firmly in place. She tried to let the sounds of the Pumpkins drown out Krystal's voice. She didn't want to see that syrupy smile, or listen to Krystal's snide comments about Jason.
"Got any more CD's?" Krystal asked, as she grabbed the CD case from between the seats without waiting for an invitation. True, she loved the Smashing Pumpkins. But I'm not in the right mood to listen to them, tonight, she thought. She flipped through the case quickly looking for a group that appealed to her present mood.
Monica sighed softly. As usual, Krystal was going to take over, make decisions, make changes. Even in her car, on her stereo, with her CD's. She glanced at Krystal, saw her flipping through the CD case. Monica drew a deep breath and thought, Well not this time, Krystal. Not in my car.
"Krystal," she began, "I don't want a new CD in right now. I like this one, and I'm not finished listening to it yet."
Monica began chewing on her bottom lip, waiting for Krystal's reply, her spoiled explosion. She kept her eyes on the road, not willing to chance seeing her friends angry expression.
Krystal's piercing scream came so suddenly, Monica jumped, almost losing control of her car.