LadyEnchantryss says, "M'lord, 'tis thy love that makes this heart shine so brightly. But, is it truly love? I seek proof now, m'lord."
LordDrago kneels before Enchantryss, holding her hands and raising them to his lips, kissing each in turn.
LordDrago says, "'Tis thee I am bound to, m'lady. Should any proof exist otherwise, then may my heart burn upon the flames of your hatred, forever."
LadyEnchantryss leans forward, kissing Drago deeply, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
LadyEnchantryss says, "'Tis never hatred for thee, in mine heart, m'lord."
LordDrago stands, embracing Enchantryss warmly, whispering softly. . . Then even Hades holds no fear for me, m'lady.
LadyEnchantryss caresses Drago's cheek softly, placing feather-light kisses where her fingers touch, whispering her declaration. . . And here is where I shall remain, my love.
LordDrago smiles softly at the one he loves more then life itself, knowing that no mortal heart could ever contain the love he has for Enchantryss.

Shelley sighed softly as she sat back, dazedly staring at the monitor. She brought her fingertips slowly to her lips, then to his name. She felt the familiar warm, tingling feeling flow through her, the same sensation she had experienced, so many nights, here at her computer.
She glanced at the clock, disappointed to see it was once again, time to get ready for work.

LordDrago holds Enchantryss tightly, never wanting to let go, but knowing he has to soon.
LadyEnchantryss says, "I know, my love, 'tis almost time to part, once again."
LordDrago says, "Take care, darling. My thoughts are with you. . . of you. If you feel a warm caress in your sleep, 'tis just me."
LadyEnchantryss says, "And if ye should feel a soft kiss or ten, 'tis only me, my love."
LordDrago says, "Good night, my luv. I shall not rest until fate has been defeated and we are together once again."
LadyEnchantryss sighs softly against your lips, tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she raises one shakey palm to your cheek.
LordDrago catches every tear with his lips, kissing them away before they fall.
LadyEnchantryss kisses a soft path across Drago's cheeks, her lips light and lingering.
LordDrago holds you tightly, closing his eyes and savoring the sensation of your lips against his cheeks, smiling softly. He turns to meet your lips, kissing gently, before sighing deeply, realizing 'tis time for reality to intrude.
LadyEnchantryss sighs softly against your lips, returning your kiss.
LordDrago says, "Until my heart may greet thee again, my luv. . . until then."
LadyEnchantryss blows you a kiss in parting.

Shelley logged out, within seconds of Drago. She glanced at the clock, chewing on her lip. Shrugging her shoulders, she quickly logged into her email program.


Hey Mark,

Just a quick note before I get ready for the daily grind. Dammit, I think I'm in love with someone I know from chat! I know, it's not like timid, sensible me. But, he moves me in a way I've never felt before, with his words. Mark, it feels good and scarey at the same time. I still have no clue, who he 'really' is, you know? *laughs* He could be a serial killer, for all I know! Hey, my friend, I'd appreciate some input from you, okay?


Still chewing on her lip, Shelley sent the letter to her e-pal, before she changed her mind. She quickly shut down the computer, and ran to hop in the shower.
Over the next several days, Shelley put in long hours at work, typing depositions, filing contracts, and making frequent trips to the legal library. Several cases were finally culminating and her bosses demands on her time left her exhausted.
Shelley would come home from work too tired to eat, let alone log on the chat room. She missed her chat friends, but her body needed sleep more.
On Shelley's sixth-week anniversary of chatting, the overtime at work ended.
Finally, she thought, I can log back on, chat with my friends. I can read my email again, too!
Settling herself in her chair, Shelley logged into her email program. After almost a week off-line, she knew she'd have at least a dozen letters from various friends.
Shelley gasped loudly. "Forty-two emails! My lord, what in the world is going on?"
Her eyes scanned down the long list of letters. One was from her Scottish penpal, two from Mark. The rest were sent from LordDrago. "For crying outloud, he sent me 39 letters! I just don't believe this."
Hey Shelley -- Sorry to take so long to reply, work rear's its ugly head! Think I mentioned before, I don't know a 'MystressMidnight,' from chatting. As to this Drago guy -- he sounds like a romantic (hopeless, at that!) to me. I'm sure I recall, in one of your past emails Shelley -- that's what you're looking for, in a man. Well, among other things, that is!

Seriously, Shelley, he sounds harmless to me, and your latest emails have been so vibrant and hopeful. (Big change, sweetie, and I'm glad!). You deserve a 'Knight in shiney armor,' my dear . . . enjoy!
Yours, Mark

She spent the next hour and a half, reading her email. Her eyes opened wider and wider, with each virtual bouquet and midi she downloaded, from Drago. His letters were what she half expected, remembered of him -- flowery phrases proclaiming love.
My Beautiful Enchantryss,
How my heart yearns for thee, my arms ache to hold thee. This time apart -- an eternity, my luv. I curse reality . . . the intrusion, tears my soul asunder, grieving for thee, burning for thee . . . nothing fills the void, that once was my heart.

My Dear One, 'tis thine loving embrace, thy radiant smile, that this old soul craves. The demon reality is mine enemy, that which I shall battle gladly, to once again have you in mine arms. I shall not rest, till Fate allows us to be together, once again. I am -- Eternally Yours, Drago

Shelley turned her monitor off, standing abruptly. She paced back and forth, bringing her right knuckle up to her teeth, biting it.
How, she thought, did he find out my home email address? I never gave it out, not even to Midnight. Maybe she'll have an idea, or some advice.
Shelley turned her monitor back on, and quickly logged into the chat room.
