I guess I had my “Catch up Day” roughly eight days ago. So, I made that pack of cigarettes I bought, last four days. Then I got hit by the itchies. I’m talking entire body from head to bottom of my feet, so itchy I was scratching myself raw. It was stressing me way the hell out! I contacted my doctor via video and told her what was happening. She advised I cut the Wellbutrin back to one a day and see if the itchiness subsides, then slowly take it up to the prescribed two a day – in case it was a tolerance issue for me. She also said to stop the vitamin B12, for now. The B12 had already done what I needed it to do, clear up to Covid brain fog and lack of energy. I just kept taking it out of habit, more or less. So, yeah, I bought more cigarettes during the itchiness… ended up buying a different brand again because this brand was leaving an awful taste in my mouth that colored the flavor of food and Listerine would not get rid of and gave the half pack to my granddaughter.
My vapes are acting up so I can’t hit them the way I want and need to, right now. The one is leaking when I try to add vape juice and the other gets very hot after hitting it a few times in a row. So yeah, I’ve been buying cigarettes again. I’m maintaining at a half a pack a day and hopeful today will be my last day on Benedryl for the itchies. Daughter tells me my vapes – while not cheap, per se, are “throw-away vapes” meant for much more casual use than I need – and I should consider investing in a better vape. So, guess I’ll do some research after I post this. Because I actually do want to quit. It’s extremely hard to beat this addiction when I’ve been smoking more than fifty years now. I do actually reach for my vape before a cigarette, now, and really prefer the vape over a cigarette. But my body acts up when I don’t feed it enough nicotine.
So, I’m definitely not giving up. I’m simply having a harder time than anticipated. Guess I’ll begin my vape research, so I am so outtie….