I was overtly frustrated yesterday for actually unknown reasons, and it made me a bit jittery. I made the decision to bump the Wellbutrin up to the two total doses, as well. Don’t think that’s related in anyway as the jitteriness began around four or so and second dose happened at 6:30p.m. So, I smoked a bit more, as well. I’m on my very last pack and don’t feel I’ve been on the Wellbutrin long enough to really help me battle withdrawal symptoms. I made the decision to purchase three more packs, which will place me closer to my quit date of October 10, 2022.
I also got hit with that damn exhaustion/fatigue, that has been plaguing me since I had COVID-19 back in August. I thought about grabbing my phone and doing a quickie update yesterday for my Day Five, around 10:30 last night, but I gave in to the tiredness. As of yesterday, I’d only been on Vitamin B12 for either two or three days. Sorry, I don’t think I made a direct note on when I started, and I don’t feel like counting the vitamins in the bottle to do the math! *laughs*
So today, I am still feeling a bit of yesterday’s jitteriness, and a bit of apprehension. Interestingly enough, I am noticing my cigarettes simply don’t taste as good as they use to, to me; they’re leaving a bad after taste in my mouth, as well. I don’t recall reading that Wellbutrin will do that, however I am known to have some fairly oddball reactions to medications, so maybe this is unique to me. Still unknown what is causing this jitteriness, but I believe the apprehension is related to my being on my last pack right now, and not feeling close enough to go without them yet. I told Daughter Mine I’d like to buy three more packs today, and that did reduce the apprehension considerably.
I take my Wellbutrin with water, before I take my high blood pressure medications. The required medications are taken with my morning coffee, after I’ve taken Cooper to the pen and pottied all girls – including myself! Yesterday, I added the second dose of Wellbutrin at 6:30p.m., which is when I take my evening high blood pressure medication. Oh, and whichever day I started the Vitamin B12, I take it with the morning Wellbutrin.
I have not noticed or experienced a reduced appetite, thus far – which is one of the possible side effects of Wellbutrin. In fact, yesterday I noticed an increased appetite. We shall see how that goes, today.
That’s about it, for now. If anything interesting happens, I’ll update this later today – it’s only 11:40a.m., currently. So, I am so outtie….
Day Four
So I still had I think three cigarettes left from yesterday’s pack, opened a new pack earlier today. Stressful day today, I vaped a couple of times with the low nicotine but ended up smoking more today. I’m smoking the last from my pack now, which puts me at 23 cigarettes so far, today. I just opened my second to last pack and guesstimating I will smoke one or two out of it before I actually go to sleep.
Once again, I started my day with a lack of sleep, thanks to horn dog Cooper moaning and groaning and barking throughout the night. While Joplin isn’t flagging him, she is flirting a bit, so although I understand Cooper’s frustration, it still bugged me when he kept waking me up!
The people that handle my healthcare finances called to see if I had received a Medicaid card yet (nope) and her tone of voice verged on panic as she informed me, I would need to call Social Security for an appointment – and their appointments were two months in the future – before she could “help” me. I went to the Social Security page to see what they could explain, and the page said if I had a my Social Security account (I do) I apparently created in 2012, I should log in and follow the directions there. I did and have now successfully I think submitted my application online. The hard part was trying to make sure they understood I only need Medicare/Medicaid and not the financial stuff. I’m covered for life with the Public Employees Retirement System.
Long and short of it though, is the Medicaid crap added a ton of stress on me, worrying about my blood pressure meds, etc. I know it was well before dinner time, sometime in the afternoon, when I started the application, and I didn’t finish it until roughly 9:30p.m. Hence my smoking more, I guess. Dammit. I mean, my disability began back in the early 90’s and trying to remember back 30 years for specific dates and shit, medications and treatments… bah! My freaking stroke in 2018 killed a lot of those memories when it damaged my brain.
Tomorrow, Daughter Mine is calling the Social Security office for me, to make sure they understand I’m only asking for the medical help and not financial. Hopefully that’ll speed things up so they mail the Medicaid card out to me, and I can contact the idiots that handle my healthcare finances to formally sign up or whatever the hell they expect me to do, to keep my ass covered.
And now Joplin is jumping from my bed to race to the door, stirring horn dog Cooper up… *sighs* I have a (non) stroke headache now, so I am so outtie….
Day Three point Five
Just about ready to go to bed, if my horny male Shepherd will ever settle down, that is. Sheesh. Whine, circle circle circle, whine whine, circle stomp big ass paws whine – rinse and repeat. My female Shepherd is in heat so I don’t really blame him, but she hasn’t attempted to flag him (show interest in being bred) but those pheromones are certainly driving my big boy nuts.
Any who, I still have about four cigarettes left in this pack that was opened last night. Yesterday I smoked somewhere between two and four cigarettes from this pack, before I fell asleep. It looks like I’ll have four left when I go to sleep tonight, so I’m looking at today as a roughly three quarters of a pack smoked. That’s a definite yay me, in my opinion. I factored the low end of only two smoked yesterday and four left today, for the math, which left fourteen smoked today… right? So like I said, that’s a yay me.
Huh, Cooper the horn dog settled down, I have a decent horror podcast playing so I am so outtie….
Day Three
Mmkay, still plugging away, turned down buying cigarettes when my daughter stopped to pick up some for her household. Yay, me! Vaped a tiny bit today, mainly when I went with my daughter and grandkids to Walmart, and daughter as well as adult granddaughter were smoking in the car. I did smoke one on the way but then used vape for rest of trip. Told my daughter I actually had selected a quit date – didn’t tell her what day I selected, though. She said she hoped to join my bandwagon shortly after me.
Didn’t really notice any lessoning of desire to smoke, although I honestly don’t know if Wellbutrin is supposed to do that. Still smoking from the last pack I opened yesterday/last night. So, fingers crossed that I’m actually slowing down once again. I still have a total of three packs left from my last carton. However, I did notice I was a bit more irritable towards the late afternoon. As my depression caused severe anger bordering on rage quite often, unknown if the irritability is related to my depression or not. I’m sure it isn’t from needing more nicotine cause, hello, I’m still smoking. I’ll keep an eye on it via this daily update because it could be a side effect of the Wellbutrin, but it also could be a sign that I simply don’t have enough of the drug in me, yet. I mean, I’ve only taken a total of three pills at this point.
So, my third day is pretty much winding down, but it’s not over yet. It’s only 8:15 p.m.; I still have to walk my girls – senior Collie sisters and psycho bitch GSD (in heat!) AKA as Joplin and bring my young male GSD in for the evening. And Cooper, the male, gets a minimum of thirty minutes of laying on my bed, chewing his chew toy, while I pet and talk exclusively to him. Last night he got a hair over an hour of “Mommy time.” Oh, and tomorrow I’m adding vitamin B12 to my morning regime of medications; my doctor mentioned this vitamin should help me with the lingering fatigue and brain fog, from when I got COVID-19 in early August. I am vaxxed X3, by the way… in case you were wondering.
I think that pretty much covers my day, so I am so outtie….
Day Two point Five
Getting ready for bed, it’s one a.m. I think I actually smoked more today than I typically do. I used my vape twice during the day, in substitution for a cigarette, but I do think I smoked more. I picked my quit date basically due to the number of packs I had left from my carton, figuring I’d run out around the eighth or so and if I vaped, I’d likely be able to stretch as needed. But after today, I’m seriously thinking I’ll run out of cigarettes around the fourth or fifth… and I know, for some odd reason, I do tend to smoke more when I’m low on cigarettes. I know, stupid me… and I’m so outtie.
Day Two
So, my doctor had told me to only take one pill a day, versus the two a day on the prescription, to allow my body a chance to adapt to the new medication as well as slowly building it up in my system. At this stage you’re allowed to keep smoking like you normally did/do. The script directions say one pill a day for your first three days, then add the second dose on day four; the doses need to be eight hours apart, and you can take with or without food.
At my heaviest smoking period, way back when my husband had a heart attack, I smoked two packs a day. Once he was out of danger and things were leveling back out for the kids and me, I cut my smoking back to between a pack and one and a half a day. That’s pretty much where I leveled out for years, some days smoking closer to the one and a half packs and others hovering right around a pack. I don’t recall my exact age, but believe I was in my early to mid 30’s at the time. Around my forties, I leveled out to a pack a day to sometimes a pack plus maybe five cigarettes out of the next pack. By now, I was consciously trying to smoke less.
In my fifties I was finally down to a pack or less a day, where I could actually count the number of single cigarettes smoked versus packs. I was smoking between ten to fifteen cigarettes a day. I was proud of myself, dammit! The last time I had gotten myself down so low, I was in my late twenties. Back then, the typical advice to help quit smoking, was to switch from your preferred brand to one you could “tolerate” but didn’t really like. I did that, in my twenties and successfully quit smoking for six weeks. Now, I’m the type of person that will do the opposite of what I’m told to do, and when I had quit for those six weeks, my Mom (thanks Mom!) started lecturing me that now would be a good time to quit smoking. She didn’t acknowledge that I had already stopped smoking six weeks earlier – don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t expecting praise or anything, just simple acknowledgement like “Keep it up,” or “Good job,” or something like that. After about twenty minutes into her stop smoking lecture, I lit up in front of her. One of my husband’s cigarettes, mind you, a yucky cheap non-menthol. (I had been smoking menthol only for over five years by that time. ) So yeah, that was well before my husband having a heart attack and my heavy smoking period.
In my mid-fifties I started vaping and was able to cut my cigarettes back to a half a pack or less, daily. I was bouncing around eight to twelve cigarettes a day and vape – with 0.3 whatever the measurement is of nicotine in the vape juice, as needed. My goal was to hit five cigarettes daily, with vaping as needed, and then quit. I knew I was reducing the amount of nicotine intake and need, so felt the residuals of quitting wouldn’t be as harsh. I kept hard candies and carrots on hand for my cigarette substitutes – that was for the psychological dependency. I enjoyed the various flavors of my vape juice, too. I wasn’t limited to menthol, although I did add mint flavor to a lot of the juices. My vape started acting up, it was outdated and needed to be replaced because I couldn’t find the replacement parts for it. I went to my normal vape store and shopped for a new vape; the younger people working that day, erred and gave me 0.6 nicotine juice instead of the 0.3 I had been using. I didn’t realize it and was puzzled that now I was exhibiting withdrawal symptoms and sort of unconsciously began smoking more to relieve them. *sighs* I was back up to a half to full pack a day before I realized it. And that’s where I stayed until I had my stroke in 2018 at the age of sixty.
In the last four years I’ve once again bounced around from a half pack to one and a half daily, with the heavier smoking days when I’m around my daughter and son-in-law – both smokers. As I live on the same property, I tend to be around them more often, Although I’ve consciously worked myself down to a pack a day this year – 2022. And now I’ve asked my doctor for assistance and am making the conscious effort to quit. Wish me luck! I am so outtie….
Smoking sucks
I started smoking eons ago, way back in my earliest of teens. And I’ll be 65 in a little over four months from today; I still smoke. I had a stroke in November 2018, I blogged about it. Smoking was considered the number one reason for my stroke, stress was the secondary. It left me with high blood pressure and the need for daily medication. I still smoke…. Smoking doesn’t taste good, like it use to. Smoking sucks.
Every three months I would have a medical appointment, checking my blood pressure and for my medication’s refills. My doctor and I cheered when the top number finally leveled in the 140’s and the bottom number finally went below 100. Normal blood pressure is typically 120/80, by the way. When mine dropped to roughly 130/95, I was able to have appointments every six months, yay me! My latest appointment was two days ago. Imagine my shock to hear my blood pressure was 120/75. I was in happy shock, let me tell you!
Exercising has slipped due to fairly minor injuries to my legs and arms from overly rambunctious dogs. My three year old German Shepherd female is on the small side but makes up for her size in strength. Even with an “Easy” command, that girl can – and does! – drag me. My year and a half old male German Shepherd is almost as big as an Irish Wolfhound – the largest dog breed – and while he is a gentle giant, he’s still puppy clumsy and broke two of my toes when he jumped on them accidentally. Joplin is the female and tends to injure my arms and hands from her strong leash pulling, while clumsy Cooper injures my feet and shin area from sheer clumsiness and honestly, his big head!
All of that lead up is basically the back story. I started Wellbutrin today. Don’t know why I chose this date, but I picked October 10, 2022 to be my last day of smoking. I’ve added the mobile WP app to update daily, versus my normal at my pc updates. So, here starts my smoking cessation journey, and I’m so outtie….
Been a long time
I last posted around November 2018. I had a stroke, as mentioned in last post; one of my Collie girls also had a stroke – her come back recovery trip was far worse than mine.
I began 2019 with surgery, a stent placement that removed part of the blockage that caused my stroke, quite close to my jugular so literally a life or death surgery. New medications added to my life, concerns about my pre-pre-diabetic status (huh?) initiated. I also bought a female German Shepherd from (I believe) an abusive breeder.
Then the pandemic. COVID-19 entered America.
While doing my part and staying home, I did some research on my stroke. I think I remember it hit my right frontal lobe and I was like, “Kewl, at least it didn’t hit my creative side.” So, this supposedly affects my non-verbal stuff; but, as a whole, the frontal lobes affect higher cognitive functioning such as memory, emotions (once upon a time, I was a highly empathetic person), impulse control, problem solving, social interaction (I’m more willing to call an idiot out now, than I use to be), and motor functioning (I still, walk, talk, grab things as well – more or less – as I use to). Damage to the tissue or neurons in this area may lead to personality changes (I think I see some), difficulty concentrating and/or planning (yep), and impulsivity (yep, see my comment above about calling out morons now).
Pre-stroke, I had hit a minor writing block concerning the paranormal romance I was working on. Other than the few previous posts, I haven’t really written a thing, since.
This year is almost over. The orange menace has been voted out. Georgia is now a blue state (yay!) We have a senate run-off election in 2021 (I already early voted my blue-ass). It may not be my personal chosen form of writing, but hey, I wrote something (that used my brains, planning and some creativity)!
Fried brains, anyone?
Somewhere between November 8-12, 2018, I had a stroke. On the 8th, it was the last time I donated blood and dude (Randy) had all sorts of troubles getting my bag to fill; I was plugged in for around an hour with him pushing the needle in deeper, wiggling it around, pulling it out slightly, pumping the blood pressure cup up till my arm turned white and the entire thing tingled and fell asleep – all before he finally went to get a supervisor to check me. She immediately released some of the pressure from the BP cup and pulled the needle out quite a bit and my blood flowed like normal. Meanwhile, Randy played with his red tennis shoes and pants cuffs and talked with other workers. The supervisor kept calling him to come over and finish me.. another worker came over and tried to fill the blood vials needed to accompany a bag of blood and he said in a horrified tone, “Your blood is clotting.” He apologized and said the only way the bag would be good, is if he poked me in my other arm to fill the vials. I told him to do it, don’t throw my bag away after what I’d just put up with to donate. See, for the first time ever, it hurt to donate and made me feel real dizzy and thirsty, and well, odd. There had been this strange burbling (like gurgling and bubbling at the same time) in the arm I’d donated from. My daughter said I was as white as a sheet, too. I had to actually lean on her a bit, to walk out of there. The poor fellow that had finished me and repoked me for the vials, had been shaking like a leaf – he left a tiny bruise and still caused less pain or bruising than Randy had. All I can say is, to me, my body did not feel right. I pushed liquids all evening (it was around 2:30 when I left from donating) and ate two donuts to build up my sugar.
My arm from just above the elbow down, was white for several hours and slightly numb, even after shaking the arm and consistently moving the fingers. It was painful, too. Other than that, I didn’t look different, although my daughter said I “acted” a bit off… personally, I think I was just lost in my head, introspection-mode. And I suspect hindsight on her part, as well. I know I had been beating myself up internally for not entering NaNoWriMo and having a writer’s block with my current novel. There were other little things that were kind of stressing me, but nothing major. More like slightly harsher daily stresses, if that makes sense. By the 11th, my arm was finally back to feeling almost normal, it still kind of hurt when I bent it at the elbow for too long but the color was completely normal and the bruising didn’t get nearly as bad as I expected, concentrating itself to one spot about the size of a quarter with a small area of ‘feathering’. I was still taking my dogs out several times a night, although I was cutting them off earlier in the evening for them with our last time outside around 1a.m. instead of all night long. We had had a few cold nights and I was feeling them.
Somewhere between 11p.m. on the 12th and 1a.m. on the 13th, I recall I started talking funny, with a slur. It was noticeable enough that even Luna looked at me oddly with the head tilting thing going on. Around 6a.m. Springy came out to borrow a set of keys from me and apparently the way I was talking to her, scared the shit out of her and she ran and got Bill. I let her take me to the hospital and I was eventually admitted with the diagnosis of a stroke. I talked slowly with a noticeable slur, but the brain still connected the dots – so to speak. In other words, I still knew what things were and what words meant, could walk and eat and all that other stuff. Suddenly I had nurses treating me like I was an infant and whispering dementia… I finally told one “Fuck you and your dementia claim, I think very well thankyouverymuch.” After testing, they said I had a tiny spot on my frontal lobe but that area isn’t usually associated with speech; one doctor said I had a bit of a blockage in my right carotid artery that would require a surgical fix but this little hospital wasn’t equipped to handle it. She then took Springy aside and said a large artery in the brain was over 90% blocked and I’d require brain surgery. Scared the shit out of my pregnant daughter and treated me like I didn’t have a working brain. She insisted to Springy that I had a history of untreated high blood pressure – before this incident the only time I had high blood pressure was during pregnancies and it was monitored but not pharmaceutically treated – even on the 8th the Red Cross took my BP and stated it was 128/83, not high in any way. Granted it was high in the hospital, but apparently they didn’t factor in 1) I was scared, and 2) I was exhausted going on no sleep.
They scheduled a transfer to Emory, a hospital known for its exemplary brain treatments; the ambulance arrived around midnight or so. I joked with the paramedic and EMT, got onto the gurney myself, etc. They took my vitals as soon as they loaded me on the van, 128/93 and figured it was a failure of their equipment (which is why they arrived so late to get me, I’d been waiting since7p.m.) but I was calm and felt like I was finally in capable hands… so I think it was an accurate reading, actually. I got to Emory around 3a.m. and my vitals were higher although I cannot recall the numbers. My nurse said they were understandable since I was again going on no sleep and up moving around a bit; so they let me sleep until morning rounds began at 7a.m. I brought up the Red Cross incident to a few nurses and doctors; they listened but the vascular doctor explained if a clot had formed it would have hit my lungs. Made sense, but I wasn’t looking for a reason for the clot that settled on my frontal lobe. I accepted it was related to over 45 years of smoking. See, by this time they had explained – after further testing – the blockage and narrowed artery was somewhere in between my right shoulder and carotid in my neck. And my right shoulder is partially why I’m on the disability list… living in a litigious society, I think the MD’s were wondering if my questions were because I wanted to sue Randy from the Red Cross. Nope. Not at all, actually, it was simply the writer in me doing research and wanting answers – which was a good thing, I was thinking creatively! The doctors are guessing (until they can visualize with a scope) that my right arm and brain have been fighting over the blood supply to that main artery that goes into the brain, for quite sometime… perhaps since the late 80’s when I had my right shoulder acromioplasty. All of my internal odd feelings at the blood drive, I wonder if it was my own body screaming at me, “Give that back, we need it!” And then the brain essentially said, “Fuck you, shutting down for a rest.” And I had a stroke.
So I have to have a surgical procedure on December 4th, the scope and hopefully a stent to correct the narrowed artery; I’m on some meds, too. Updates, later… until then, I am so outtie….
My rape and abortion story
A lot happened in the year 1973. I was fifteen, taken out of state by adult men (in their 20’s) and an eighteen year old girl I’d just met… I liked her, she said she felt like my big sister and would protect me. As the youngest in this group – and in my own family of four older brothers – I confess my childish desire for the sister I never had. And she knew one of the guys driving us out of state, so everything would be okay, right? Right?
Blessedly, I don’t remember too much of my rape… the men kept giving me drinks, supposedly ‘sparkling fruit juice’ they called it… they didn’t mention the drugs in the drinks – I just remember feeling weird and floaty, seeing trails of color everywhere, my movements so sluggish that for some reason, it made me laugh. I remember being scared and crying, hurting, as I found myself sprawled on a bed… I think I had my top on still, but couldn’t find my panties. I did find my jeans and slipped them on as my new-found big sister slipped quietly into the room. She placed her slender index finger over her lips and motioned for me to follow her with her other hand. I remember her brown eyes were rounded and wide, I could see a large circle of the whites around her eyes. I figured she was as scared as I was. I followed her down a short hallway. We paused at the end as she stared intently to the left, then slowly slid her body to the right, hugging the wall. I did the same. I saw the two men that had driven us here, sprawled out in chairs, sleeping or passed out. Two other men were sort of hunched over on the couch, asleep? Drunk? Drugged out? I didn’t try to reason out why they were unconscious and still at that moment, I just sidled around the corner following my ‘sister.’
She was standing at a backdoor in the kitchen area, fumbling with locks. Her hands were shaking so hard she could barely undo a lock; she glanced at me with her wide, dark eyes, her black hair tumbling across her face. Her skin was so pale and white, she could have passed for a vampire… but I knew she was of Indian descent, her skin was typically the color of a latte coffee – that definite undertone of a healthy dark brown mixed with creamy whiteness, normally gave her a golden color that enhanced her beauty. Yeah, there was some ‘chick-envy’ going on there; she was everything I wanted to be: tall, slender, usually filled with self-confidence and assurity of herself and her surroundings, she drew people – not just males – to her, like a moth to a flame. But now she was scared and trembling, and that fact ratcheted my fear level way up. I slid over to help her with the locks. There were four of them attached to the door. Who had four locks on their doors? I started at the bottom lock and let her keep working the top; we were in each others way and if we hadn’t been so terrified, I’m sure we would have dropped to the floor, laughing. It seemed to take hours upon hours to unlock those locks, with both of us stiffening and stilling every time a snort or fart or some other gaseous sound or mumble came from the sleeping men. In reality, it simply took a minute or two before we were able to open the door and slip outside.
It was pitch black. I honestly cannot recall the moon or stars in the sky. That back door seemed to open onto a field of shin high grass and weeds with no comforting light pole to be seen. Off to the somewhat distant right, we heard a car pass. I was scared and wanted to run to the left, what if it was one of their friends out looking for us? She leaned over and whispered into my ear, “We need to head to the road, get a ride into town… to safety.” I nodded after a second and we turned to the right, heading for that unknown road. It only took us a few minutes to reach and cross the paved road so we could hitchhike towards lights we could barely see – they seemed so far away, yet they were a beacon to us. We trudged on and on… finally, headlights cast over us and we turned, both of us sticking our right thumbs out as we stood about a foot off the road. The car sped past us, never slowing. Typical teens, we cat-called and hurled curses at the car racing away and continued our walk. The distant lights of the town really didn’t seem any closer, so we quickened our pace.
“If I had known,” she said, her tone very low and quiet, “they would be that way… they’ve always been good to me… kinda like big brothers, ya know?” She paused to chew on her lip and glance sideways at me. She continued after I gave one quick nod. “They only gave me drugs if I asked for them, they never….” I saw tears streaking down her face and she squeezed my arm. “They were never… rough… with me….” Her voice trailed off as tears kept flowing down her cheek. Before I had a chance to speak, we saw the headlights from two different vehicles heading our way and we turned, right thumbs extended.
I remember the high pitched wail of sirens and screams as I tore away, from somebody, and raced to my ‘sister,’ laying in a crumpled heap several feet away from me. The screams grew louder and louder as I saw the thin strips of chrome siding impaled in her beautiful body, another in her forehead. The hands that had been holding me before came back, grabbing and shaking me… that’s when I realized the screams were coming from me. The next thing I remember was standing in a small, rural hospital room, my beautiful sister weakly moaning as I pulled her slightly into my arms… her final breath was a blessing and a curse washing over me and I sobbed. I held her, sobbing; I don’t know how much time passed before I heard a voice calling my name. I finally looked up and saw my father standing in the doorway and raced to him, throwing myself into his arms. I don’t remember leaving the hospital or the long drive home, although I kind of remember being curled up on the back seat, still sobbing for what I’d lost. Later, the memory of laying on my father’s couch and being under an afghan my mother had crocheted; my mother walking through my father’s front door, tears streaming down her face as she gathered me into her arms and held me tight to her chest. Eventually, again, I don’t know how much time had passed, I found myself back inside of a hospital… as the fogginess slowly lifted and I began to emerge from the semi-comatose state I had been in, I understood I was in a mental ward filled with teenagers. I remember trying to work with the doctor to piece together what had happened; he filled me in on what he knew as a fact: my ‘sister’s’ funeral had taken place a week after her death, four weeks earlier; I had been catatonic for five weeks; the various drugs in my system, from that night, had not caused any permanent damage that they were aware of and were no longer influencing me; I needed to accept and understand my role in what happened that night, before I would be allowed to be released.
I remained a resident of that mental ward for about three more weeks as my brain worked to process everything they told me. I was angry. I was grieving. I was filled with a deep sadness and sense of loss – I hadn’t even been able to go to my new-found ‘sister’s’ funeral! I later learned she had lied to me, about a great many things… mainly, that she was newly married and off on a fling before she buckled down to being a wife. And, that she was mentally ill, herself. I ‘met’ her husband on the phone. I was cruel to him and called him a liar. Today, as an adult, I can remember the pain and anguish in his voice – and his compassion for me, as he wished me well. Back then, I just remember shouting at him on the phone, then vomiting.
Roe versus Wade had passed sometime around all of the happenings of my drama. I didn’t want an abortion; my mother dictated I would have one. I didn’t want a child of rape, either. You could have a voice in the decision, if you were sixteen or older. My baby was due two months after my sixteenth birthday. Legal abortions were provided in New York; my mother flew us there. I gaped in wonder at the tall skyscrapers as I dragged my rolling overnight bag behind me; my mother snapped that we weren’t there to sight see. She lectured and hissed at me, telling me I better tell the people at the hospital that I wanted that abortion. But I don’t, not really. I only had around ten days left in my pregnancy, before they would deem me too far along for a safe abortion. I did as my mother told me; I was terrified. When a nurse took me to the elevator, my mom said she had to return home, for work… but she’d return after it was over to collect me. Collect me. In the room I shared with another woman, I huddled on my bed and cried. She was older and tried to reassure me, said it would be okay… and I found myself pouring out my story to her. She came over to my bed and hugged me, wiping the tears from my face – until a nurse walked in and yelled at us. I understand doctors and nurses are trained to save lives, but the nurses cruelty and mean comments were completely uncalled for… you deserve what you’re getting you little whore… shouldn’t have spread your legs you little slut… you don’t deserve this pain free treatment, whore… and the woman in the other bed yelling at the nurses, calling them cruel, heartless bitches. I had been given drugs to induce labor. The pains wracking my abdomen terrified me even more and I screamed until a nurse smacked me sharply across the face… and a tiny misshapen blob popped out of my body. The nurse that had smacked me yelled at me about the mess I had made, and made me clean it up myself.
I’m telling more now than I’ve ever said aloud before, but I won’t describe that tiny lump of flesh to anyone, other than he was a male and, not normal. I personally placed him into the red hazardous waste plastic bag the nurse had tossed at me. I held him in my hands as I was roughly shoved over to a gurney and wheeled into a surgical suite to finish the procedure. I remember the smug look on the face of the nurse that had smacked me, then her downcast eyes as the surgical nurse gasped at my entrance. I remember her whispering, “Oh baby, I’m so sorry, you shouldn’t have had to go through that.” I remember her tightly gripping my hand, her other hand stroking my arm as the doctor performed the d(ilation) and c(urettage) procedure that finished cleaning me out. I remember the doctor’s jaw clenching as my angel of mercy whispered what happened. That nurse had me rolled into the recovery room and kept me there, stopping in to check on me often, throughout the night. Before her shift ended, she let me know my roommate had told her what had happened and the nurses that had been so cruel to me were being reported – I didn’t care, I was numb – and that she, my roommate, was fine. She also said my mother was due to pick me up in about an hour. She hugged me and whispered, “I know it isn’t an excuse, but they were angry they had to help end a life… never mind it was conceived in rape or unhealthy and drug laden.” She sighed deeply, and pulled back to look into my eyes before continuing, “They should have given you the care you deserved….” She squeezed me one more time then turned and left.
Months later, my mother told me new rules were put into place at the hospital where I’d been treated so cruelly, because of me. I’m glad other women would be treated with dignity and care, but I couldn’t fully release my anger and anguish over what I had been through… especially when I learned a cousin only a few months older than me was pregnant, and her mother, my aunt, was going to help her raise it. That hurts, still to this day… although in fairness, that child was conceived in love (puppy love, I’m sure) and not from rape… that child wasn’t filled with drugs from drug-laden parents… that child wasn’t malformed or unhealthy.
My own children are aware of some of these details. I had to give them a reason why their mother always becomes so very sad, every April, once they were old enough to make that connection. April is when the child would have been born, you see. My abortion was rough on me and likely changed me, in many ways. There were many mistakes, when Roe versus Wade first came into being. Giving women the right to choose what she does with her own body is not one of them.
I’m outtie….