Fresh as a daisy

Yep, I’m starting over. Not by choice, mind you, but due to some stupidity on my part I lost all of my previous postings [12 years worth!! *sighs*] so here I go again, as Dolly Parton would say. As this will be published to the Writing category, best I keep it to writing related stuff, eh?

I have posted a few links under ‘Favorite’s’ on the left, and will add more as I come across them. These will all be writing related, should I happen to stumble across an awesome non-writing blog, well, I’ll simply add a new category!

School is going well enough; the blasé comment is because I am still fairly confused by the class and what is expected of me. And this is the class that is teaching me how to be a teacher, mind you. Argh. Many of my peers are already, or desire to be, teachers. I had never entertained the idea, personally, although my Mom had hoped I would become an educator. I just want to write. Period.

Speaking of school, think I better hop over to my laptop and log into class. See if anything new has been posted in this weeks discussion forum. Hey, only two more classes to go after this one, and I’ll have my MA! Yay!

K, I am so outtie….