child support?!?

Last, but not least, I was totally shocked when Mom phoned me to say, John was there! I talked to him for a few moments, and he asked to talk to Spring, as well… gave some BS story about where he’s been in the last 2 years, and that he “heard” blob had died of cancer. He also phoned and stopped by Johnny’s place, trying to get my phone number and/or address. Both Johnny and Mom told him, if he wanted to write, he could send them the letter and they would forward it on to me…

What makes this so… interesting is the fact that “suddenly,” the child support bureau is saying I owe tens of thousands of dollars in back child support, on my 2 minor children! When I gave them the info on when that support order had been overturned, AND the fact that both “minor” children are adults, nothing was done. Mom has also gotten a TON of recent mail, bills and such, for me… some from places I’ve never heard of! It all adds up… blob is trying to find me, once again.


S got his truck (almost hopelessly) stuck, while off-roading! What an expensive mess that was. He had to buy a winch – which, with all wiring, was around $200 that neither of us could spare… well, it didn’t work and he and Spring had to walk home… oh yeah, he didn’t have his cellphone, nor did they tell me they were planning on doing this… after 8 hours without hearing from them (and all they were doing was going to store!!!) I was totally freaked! Add to that – S broke his foot somehow, too.

The next day, after missing work (no way to get there) he walked back to his truck and tried to get it out again, only to find someone had stolen the winch he bought the previous night! Arghhh! He then walked to the storage unit, to get my car. It had a dead battery. He sounded so lost and defeated when he phoned me! I called a cab, sent Spring with my bank card to get cash (to pay for taxi) and pick up S, then goto his truck to get that battery. Add that $25 to the expense of his off-roading mishap.

Two days later, he went back to his truck, determined to get it out. The weather was changing and it would have made it even more difficult to get it out. He bought a shovel, to dig it out (it was buried in clay up to the frame). He phoned me so angry! Someone had broken out the passenger window (the damn back window wasn’t even locked!!) and stole my CD played (add another $120 of mine lost) but nothing else – except for his license plates! They also tore up the interior, apparently just to be destructive… the total isn’t in, yet, but I’m guesstimating this off-roading adventure will cost right around $1000! His front bumper was damaged, from the winch, too….

Dingy in GA

Okie, let’s see… Spring is now living here, in fact, just started a new waitressing job today. She’s also working on her GED. She split up with Johnny — although she really resisted it! He cheated on her, other girl is pregnant – unsure who father is. She resisted seeing what everyone else saw – and continued calling Johnny 10 or more times a day from here (my phone was eventually shut off, even!) just to leave messages on the answering machine! Needless to say, I blew up… I knew I was risking pushing her away, but had to try to get her to see the truth… everything almost blew up, X-mas day.

The day before, S’s girlfriend broke up with him – again! and she really put him through the ringer! On X-mas, Spring finally realized it was over for her & Johnny… she later even caught him in a lie. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship at all, right now (she even included getting back with Johnny, in this) and concentrate on herself for awhile… but she does hope, sometime in the future, she and Johnny can and will have a relationship once again.

domain work

Well, I finished a bunch of new changes to my domain… was checking out how they look and found one, itty-bitty problem… *grins* I apparently uploaded an OLD blogger page, so none of my writing is on the site, other then my initial entry back in September! LoL

ATM woes

Well, all fee’s are supposedly lifted from my account now… but when I went to use the ATM – to make a deposit – it retained my card!!! This is ridiculous… and the online bank still shows all of the NSF charges being held against me… this seems like it’ll take forever to figure out!

Took a couple of short naps today, is all – essentially been up for over 48-hours now, and since it’s almost 5am now, I really need to just stay up. Apartment maintenance guy is suppose to be coming to finally fix the plumbing in my bathroom, today. It seems, the old manager never bothered to submit the work order, just kept “passing the buck!”

Got a few more pages done for my site, too… Dreamweaver is decent, I guess, but the ftp part of it still gives me periodic fits. Nine times out of ten, I use my WS FTP Pro to upload! LoL

S gave Decker a “bath” today… if ya wanna call it that! He soaked him in my shower, but didn’t bother to use shampoo on him… the dog smells to high heaven, let me tell ya! I had to light 2 incense sticks in my room tonight, just to tolerate his sleeping in here! He needs a bath…

just stuff

Sheesh, I’m doing lousy at keeping up with this thing! And with so much going on, I should make more of an effort… hmm… Springy has been having some problems in her relationship, as well as financial problems. I offered (after she brought it up a few times) to send her a bus ticket here, anytime she feels she needs a break. Only time will tell, if she takes me up on it.

I ended up in all sorts of financial problems AGAIN! I was almost $700 in the hole! And NOT my fault, either. Damn PERS (idiots!) put a stop payment on my October check, so all of my bill checks began bouncing like crazy… *sighs* I just got a letter from PERS, addressed to my bank, where they asked that no charges be incurred on me, as it wasn’t my fault. Bank said they would take all charges off and honor all of my checks, once they got that letter. So, come Monday, I should be okay again. But dammit, this is really ridiculous!

Doing the 5 Rites has been making my neck and back ache more, but I’m trying to stay with it… still doing Rite 1 fairly regularly, and throwing in Rite 2 on occasion. That’s about it…

Decker & Remi

Hmm, let’s see… got several new pages done for my site — I’m re-doing the entire site. Spoke to Spring again, they’re still having some relationship problems… I hate to hear the pain in my baby’s voice, she feels so alone… I wish I could do something. S got paid today. He made more for a straight 40 hour work week, then he did when he was working for IBM – and that was an 80 hour check! He’ll be getting up in just a few hours, to go to a training class on Win2000. I believe this class will help towards a cert.

Decker is doing better, just driving me absolutely NUTS! Remi is in heat…that says it  all!

Mom learned how to make a net2phone call… *sighs* I could hear myself talking, through her speakers! Most of the conversation was her saying “What? What?” LoL Oh, and I started doing the 5 Rites, last Sunday. I was only able to do Rites 1-3, the other 2 are impossible for me right now, with my health… in fact, #2 & 3 made my neck and back hurt pretty good, so I’ve been trying to at least stick with #1 for now.