Moving ahead

Okay, progress! Since my last post I’ve completed two scenes in chapter five and started the final scene of the chapter. Robert has shown interest in Allison and treated her to a taste of his culinary skills. Allison is fairly clueless to Robert’s interest and is unsure why Kara holds hostility towards her. Kara is the final scene I’m working on, and her jealousy over Robert’s interest in Allison…? Uh, wow! *chuckles* Now mind you, Allison’s being unaware is not from stupidity, she’s just lived on her own for so long, she’s not understanding the clues very well. Yet.

Chapter five is giving more insight into these three main characters as well as moving the plot forward on Allison’s search for the mystery letter writer. I haven’t quite figured out the eventual meeting between Jake and Allison, yet, or how I’ll finish the build and reveal of their unknown (to them) connection. I haven’t introduced Marie, at all, and am not sure if she’ll just remain in the background or come forward… although a huge part of me feels she needs to come forward. And Robert’s best friend and beta, Marcus, with his seriously growing crush on Kara; he was introduced and his interest in Kara revealed, but no moves made yet. But honestly, it’s still early! *grins*

Lynette and Lachlan’s story finished around 43,000 words. I haven’t counted the chapter/words of Robert and Allison’s story so far, but I know it feels like we’re still definitely in the very beginning of their story. Time will tell!

K, back to writing so I am so outtie….