NaNoWriMo and more

M’kay, working on organization skills somewhat, failing miserably, I might add – but that’s okay. ‘Cause I am getting things done. I entered NaNoWriMo for the first time, ever and have a three-day-word-count total of 5636 so I’m doing alright thus far. Just read a Pep Talk from an absolutely awesome writer, Diane Gabaldon – I read the first three of the Outlander series, haven’t caught up with the rest yet. [Oh shit, I just looked and see there are nine books in the series! I am so far behind….]

I’m keeping up with homework, pretty much. Have some reading to do, oh shoot – just remembered I have to read/critique the peer stories I grabbed – and have to write 300 words for my reflection journal. Okay, so I’m falling a bit behind on homework. *sighs* But I’m doing quite well in NaNoWriMo, keeping the house livable and feeding all critters… self, included… and even got some business dealt with today. No more Comcast, back to AT&T uVerse as of a few hours ago, with all Comcast equipment already turned back over and credited to me. On the upside, with the better network connection – albeit a tad bit slower – I can now turn my TV on to one of the music channels for writing purposes. Before, the connection didn’t properly reach my bedroom – where I write – and I spent more time aggravated and trying to get music playing, than I did writing.

‘Kay, paragraph two turned into a wee bit of a bitch-fest, so I’m gonna close and get back to my homework and writing. So, I am so outtie….