Along somewhat similar vein… S also thinks Win98 is getting ready to blow, on my puter… he’s trying to figure out where he can back everything up – I have the largest hard drive in the house, and have it almost used up, to boot.

S went to an online site and took some sample questions for the GED – passed with no problem, and he was tired and not thinking straight, when he did so… so he felt more reassured about passing the test. Besides, he figures if Luke can pass it, he can with no problems!

Haven’t heard from Springy in about a week… that concerns me. I read about a job in the paper that I’m sure I’m qualified for, but unsure I could physically handle… thinking about applying, but am scared too… that would be giving up PERS – scary thought, especially when it’s the only set money coming in right now… (HA! Set or stable, what a joke – I STILL haven’t gotten my October check!)