
Another rainy day in Georgia… *chuckles* We need the rain, tho. I understand – having recently moved here – that GA has been in a 2 year drought. Two years! Wow… so the last 2 days of heavy rain, is much needed. But, many, many GA drivers are idiots. They’re even worse(if that’s possible! No, wait, it is possible! LoL) in any type of inclement weather… S said he was almost hit, on his way home from work yesterday… sheesh…

Poor Heather! She looked absolutely miserable, when I took her out, earlier… *grins* she hid under some bushes, trying to get out of the rain. It was funny, actually. And the thing is, with as thick and plush as her coat is, of the 3 dogs, I’m sure she felt the least amount of wetness! LoL Poor Decker is hit the hardest, with his combination silky/cottony coat – like a bay’s hair. He was drenched in less than a second!

Hmm… this Blog may turn out to be a good thing for me, yet… writing some things here, have an almost cathartic effect on me, while I’m getting the benefit of almost religiously writing on a daily basis. Which is a good discipline for a writer. Mayhaps these meanderings will help ye old creative juices to start flowing once again, so I can turn out some decent fiction!