
Hmm, coulda swore I blogged yesterday… but according to my last entry, I didn’t. Oh well. Nothing much happened, any way’s… it’s still raining quite a bit, so the dogs and me (especially me!) get pretty soaked every time we go outside… oh, Heather got her first real “taste” or experience with S’s surround sound system… *grins* I was watching that older Harrison Ford movie, Witness (good movie, btw) when the young Amish boy, Samuel, wanted to show HF his kittens… they were a mewing away and Heather’s head jerked up (she had been trying to entice me to play ball for the thousandth time today! LoL) She turned and stared at the TV, then trotted over to it, ears up at full alert… she cocked her head to the right, then the left… meanwhile, Remi stole the ball and was ignoring the kittens mewing, trying to get Mom to toss the ball! The scene changed, kittens fogotten – but not by Heather! LoL Leave it to a Mom, to respond to baby sounds…