
Okie, finally this month is over… damn PERS to hell, for ruining my fav month & holiday, any way! But, things should start looking up again now… my Nov check should be available to me, my Oct check is allegedly in the mail – so I can pay rent and get us caught up on our bills, and buy food… S has a phone interview in a few hours *fingers crossed* It’s for a 3 month contract.

I really have to make some decisions on this Unity contract, too… I didn’t think it was too bad, personally, but S pointed out a few things to me, that really aren’t advantageous towards/for me… *sighs* I need to read some more contracts and get one of my own written up.

Again, got an email from Mom, and all it managed to do was piss me off… she asked what I did for Halloween. *sighs* The woman obviously has no clue, isn’t listening, whatever – I can’t get it thru her head… we had several days where we couldn’t afford to buy food at all, didn’t eat for 3 days straight. How the hell am I gonna come up with money to buy candy for trick-or-treaters or to do anything?!?! Get REAL! My dogs have lived on rice for a week, for crying out loud…

Goddess, give me strength…