
OMG! Thank you, RuPaul! He not only updated his blog, but gave a link to Charlie Brown’s homepage – which gave a link to the one and only Goddess of the South, Raven‘s homepage! I’m giddy! *grins* Raven has a permanent link, to the left – she is awesome!

I had a dream, the other night – probably closer to a nightmare, really. It stuck with me after waking up; it didn’t leave me filled with horror or dread, rather, a bunch of what if’s came to mind. But, I didn’t do anything with it . . . mainly because of the rainy, dreary day here. I was in so much pain, could barely move my head – my neck was so stiff, was close to tears most of the day. No way I’d be able to force myself to sit at my desk long enough to jot notes or anything.

Well, when I woke up this morning, the previous dream was still so vivid, I thought, This is just too good to pass up, I gotta get this down! And I sat down and wrote 4 pages, effortlessly – while listening to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata“. *grins* I’ll let you, my readers, be the judge. Is she back? *winks* Hopefully, the new story will be posted in my Library, by this weekend. I’m also starting another ‘rant’ for my Musings area, which should (hopefully) be ready this weekend, and posted in my Library as well.