still cold….

Well, the rain has stopped finally, but it’s still quite cold and the humidity is 65% – I’m sitting here fully clothed, with my bathrobe on for added warmth, and debating about changing to my real heavy bathrobe! I already have some circulation related problems, this cold is really causing havoc on my hands – my fingers are slower to respond and clumsier than usual. The dogs seem comfortable enough – twerps are even blowing coat! And I should call and check on my Mom – she’s in Ohio. *shivers* (It’s 32 degrees Farenheit with a windchill of 19, here – originally coming from Ohio, I can imagine how cold it is there!)

I’m thinking I’ll head out and watch the two serial killer movies (“Dahmer” and “Gacy“) one more time, take some notes on how the actors portray them, notes in general really, then seal them up to ship back to NetFlix. I had planned on doing some graphic tutorials today, but with the way my hands/fingers are acting, I don’t think I’d have much success. And I do need to get some graphics created for the Camelot Dreams activities, too. But, as cold as I am, the best place to be (other then under my thick quilt on the heated water bed *grins*) is cuddled under a blanket, with the critters, on the couch, watching movies – then maybe reading. It’s taken me wayyyy too long just doing this simple update here, what with needing to correct many spelling mistakes while my fingers clumsily hit too many keys, so I won’t even try to add to my current writing ‘works in progress.’ I get frustrated enough with all of the creative stalls, to add the frustration of spelling/typing errors. Ooo, I think my latest Writer’s Digest shipment should be here within a week, too – to bad it didn’t arrive before this cold spell! Although it does say it’s been shipped to me, already. . . .