
Well, Tony never came over, nor did he call… on the up side, I finished Hannibal. It was decent, loved the part where Clarice went over totally to Hannibal’s side and ate the brain from Krendler – awesome scene! Most of the Mason Verger stuff was pretty good, up until Margot killed him, that is… At the same time, the book was a bit of a disappointment, after all of my hopes and build-ups over it… oh well. Gonna start re-reading Silence of the Lambs as soon as I finish here, read till I fall asleep.

Note to self, Febreze is NO GOOD at squashing the aroma of moth balls! Although the scent isn’t as strong as when I first sprinkled them onto the carpeting, I can still smell them… yuck, can almost taste them!

Springy phoned earlier. I was happy to hear she had that bad tooth taken care of… poor baby was in so much pain – and being such a baby when it comes to mouth pain, I can really empathsize with her!