Okay, Daughter Mine told me earlier that she noticed I was acting “off” yesterday – which tends to vibe with my jittery feeling, I believe. She said she didn’t notice the jitteriness, per se, but rather a “shortness” in my texts and vocal responses bordering on a “Mom’s pissed” type vibe. I wasn’t. She also admitted she thinks my quit date is too soon, she feels I should be on the Wellbutrin a solid month before stopping. However, she fully backs my decision on October 10, 2022, and will be a cheerleader. *winks* I told her one factor is, I simply do not want to buy another carton – she agreed. She said she wouldn’t find it awful of me to purchase another 3-pack, if needed – but I’d really like to quit spending money on smokes. *shrugs*
I rode with Daughter Mine to take eldest granddaughter on a couple of job interviews (she was offered both jobs, yay!) and to buy my 3-pack of smokes. Both smoke; while I did smoke with them, I was also able to use my vape versus matching them cigarette per cigarette. So that was a win for me.
Second day of my definitely preferring the taste of my vape, over a cigarette, too. It’s almost time for my evening medications, and dinner (roughly fifteen minutes on meds, unknown on dinner). Gotta take care of all of my various Clash of Clans accounts too, we’re battling in the league. So, on that note, I am so outtie….
<b>EDIT :</b> So a few hours ago, Joplin started barking at the damn cat, the aggressive “I will kill you!” barking. Nosey Luna – the senior Collie and eldest dog here, went over to stand next to Joplin, not facing the outside, but facing inside towards the house. *<i>sighs</i>* She’s damn good at getting in the way. Standing next to Joplin as she barks aggressively, I have absolutely no room to get over there and stop Joplin, not without knocking Luna over, that is. She’s ten years old, the age where bones can break… she would not move, dammit. And I was filled with rage. Not a murderous rage but definitely more than average anger.
Now, I’m not blaming that on the Wellbutrin. I had mentioned this type of rage to my doctor, when she prescribed the Wellbutrin. I consider it a symptom of my depression, and my doctor kind of confirmed it. Now, is this an improvement – thanks to the Wellbutrin – since this is the first time, I’ve felt the rage in about a week, or what? Gotta get back to Clash of Clans, I have three more battles to complete. So I am, once again, so outtie….