Day Six

I was overtly frustrated yesterday for actually unknown reasons, and it made me a bit jittery. I made the decision to bump the Wellbutrin up to the two total doses, as well. Don’t think that’s related in anyway as the jitteriness began around four or so and second dose happened at 6:30p.m. So, I smoked a bit more, as well. I’m on my very last pack and don’t feel I’ve been on the Wellbutrin long enough to really help me battle withdrawal symptoms. I made the decision to purchase three more packs, which will place me closer to my quit date of October 10, 2022.

I also got hit with that damn exhaustion/fatigue, that has been plaguing me since I had COVID-19 back in August. I thought about grabbing my phone and doing a quickie update yesterday for my Day Five, around 10:30 last night, but I gave in to the tiredness. As of yesterday, I’d only been on Vitamin B12 for either two or three days. Sorry, I don’t think I made a direct note on when I started, and I don’t feel like counting the vitamins in the bottle to do the math! *laughs*

So today, I am still feeling a bit of yesterday’s jitteriness, and a bit of apprehension. Interestingly enough, I am noticing my cigarettes simply don’t taste as good as they use to, to me; they’re leaving a bad after taste in my mouth, as well. I don’t recall reading that Wellbutrin will do that, however I am known to have some fairly oddball reactions to medications, so maybe this is unique to me. Still unknown what is causing this jitteriness, but I believe the apprehension is related to my being on my last pack right now, and not feeling close enough to go without them yet. I told Daughter Mine I’d like to buy three more packs today, and that did reduce the apprehension considerably.

I take my Wellbutrin with water, before I take my high blood pressure medications. The required medications are taken with my morning coffee, after I’ve taken Cooper to the pen and pottied all girls – including myself! Yesterday, I added the second dose of Wellbutrin at 6:30p.m., which is when I take my evening high blood pressure medication. Oh, and whichever day I started the Vitamin B12, I take it with the morning Wellbutrin.

I have not noticed or experienced a reduced appetite, thus far – which is one of the possible side effects of Wellbutrin. In fact, yesterday I noticed an increased appetite. We shall see how that goes, today.

That’s about it, for now. If anything interesting happens, I’ll update this later today – it’s only 11:40a.m., currently. So, I am so outtie….