Definitely noticing a pattern here. I hardly smoked anything all day, even when I was with Daughter Mine and she was chain smoking. I smoked one to her roughly six, but I did vape. I vaped throughout the day, but around 7:30 or so, I smoked instead of vaping. And it definitely seems like I smoke more at night, than I do the entire day.
Took my blood pressure earlier today, too. Apparently, the Wellbutrin can cause high blood pressure – and I’m on meds for high blood pressure, so go figure. But it was 140/98. So, I’ll be taking it periodically.
Nothing to report on the credit card issue, either. So far, the big payments are still showing, but it was only three days ago. I’m counting the thirteenth as a week and I should notice something by that time, I would think.
That about covers today, so I am so outtie….