Shitty start to my day, had eight cigarettes left from yesterday’s pack and already smoking one before 10:00a.m. Coffee still brewing. Grandson was outside of my room earlier, likely because Daughter is burning trash; GSD’s have satellite ears so naturally heard grandson, actually I heard him too, but barking ensues and I’m up.
Winding down, kinda feel like I smoked a lot, but the count tomorrow morning will be the deciding factor. Damn this COVID exhaustion! It’s only a little after nine and I’m freaking tired. Weather changes contribute to wiping me out, too. However, see the above paragraph – dogs woke me early, well before my alarm was due to go off. Chilly, damp day which made my neck and shoulder really ache, which then brought on a headache. Part of me wants coffee and the other part of me is saying just go to bed. *sighs* The other side wins and I am so outtie….