Yesterday’s entry was kind of done throughout the day and I think it worked out fairly well. I counted my cigarettes and am having my first one of the day; starting with eight from yesterday’s pack, which means officially I smoked less than a pack yesterday. Okay, it was almost a pack, but it’s still a victory and I’ll take each small victory on my way to the big goal. For any non-smokers out there, it means I smoked nineteen cigarettes total, yesterday. Time to take my morning blood pressure meds, too.
And now it’s almost time to bring Cooper in for the night. I’ve vaped some – here’s an oddity, though. I own two identical vapes and fill them with my current favorite flavors. The one has melon and the other is strawberry-lemonade. The melon is actually my preferred flavor, the strawberry one kind of gets a “burnt” taste to it, which Daughter says means I need to replace my coil. I’ll hit the melon vape like four times and the body of the vape feels hot; I can hit the strawberry nine or ten times before the body feels slightly warm. Don’t know why, I bought them both from the same vape shop on the same day. Just find it kind of weird, is all.
Just like yesterday, I can’t call how well I’ve done yet, because I have a few more hours before I’ll actually go to bed to sleep. So, once again, I’ll start tomorrow morning off with a cigarette count. I added about a half of an inch to the blanket I’m knitting for my grandson, last night, if you’re curious. Okay, I’ve delayed walking my girls long enough, I am smoking and don’t like to walk and smoke, so there’s that. Granddaughter number two is walking their dog, pitbull, and my Collie girls wander out front so need to wait for Blue to finish, first. But I am so outtie….