Oh sigh

Okay, after I got Scrivener set up and updated my writing – see here – I had a nice visit with my daughter and family, made the tough decision to not take Triste [now named Jemma, Dingy is keeping her] because she and Stevie didn’t get along… she was sneak attacking the Collies from under the couch, biting their feet and legs; Luna whined in her typical worried tone and wanted to be friends but not a chew toy – she ended up staying in another room *frowns* whereas Stevie was like, bullshit and snapped at Triste in an I’m-the-adult-you-better-behave type thing. But, Triste stood her ground as the badass 7-week-old puppy, and I had a frickin’ mini-dogfight in full swing! So I told my daughter, nope, nada, ain’t having it – I can’t keep her. *sighs*

Bear in mind, I was going on like 3 hours sleep that day, too… damn this perpetual insomnia… Back to writing. M’kay, so I had finished chapter one and now have a full scene finished in chapter two – and hit a frickin’ block… arghhhhh! I want to write, I really do, but I am so stuck on which way to go, it’s frustrating. Trouble is, I have several, like… mini thoughts, concerning this story. Like, the start of ideas, that flit in and then vanish before I can get a firm grasp on them – which, in my book, kinda proves I really want to work on the story, I just keep getting stuck.

So I haven’t researched/contacted any publishers concerning the Lynette/Lachlan story; their story is in Scrivener as Part 1, while the current story about Allison/Robert is Part 2. I haven’t done any graphics work for my domains or done any updates at all – which are grossly overdue. I did finish paying my April bills a few hours ago – but got slapped with late charges on two accounts while waiting for my new checkbook registers to arrive. *sighs* They were due yesterday and paid today.

I watched a puppy video on Facebook earlier today. And cried.

I’m so outtie….