
Nutshell first, details later – I’m tired. Drained from the arguements – this all happened around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. S is home from Japan, and he was bearing gifts for Spring and Destiny (Destiny looked sooooo adorable in her little pink kimono!) so Spring came by for an hour or so visit, last night. Destiny had fun playing with S and opening her gifts. . . JJ came to pick them up. S and I were ‘aquaintance-polite’ towards JJ – honestly, it’s more then he deserves, but, it’s how we treat him. Me, trying to keep peace, S, mainly out of respect for me.

About an hour or so after they’d left, Spring phoned. She asked S if she could borrow money, saying she was being kicked out and needed to rent an efficiency hotel room for them to stay in, and that she was broke. He was uncomfortable, being placed on the block, essentially, and gave me the phone. Spring was crying and told me about an arguement she had had with Heather (sister-in-law, she’s been staying with Mark & Heather for a couple of weeks now) that ended up with Heather stating she wanted them out of her home, and she asked me for money. I told her honestly, it’s the end of the month, my check isn’t deposited and available for my use until the first, and that I simply didn’t have it. So she asked me about S – firstly, the money he earns for his work, is not mine to spread around, it’s his. So I told her a partial truth – he’s paid in yen and it takes time to convert to American cash, so he didn’t have it either. Actually, the conversion took less then a half hour, but more importantly – supporting Spring’s household isn’t his responsibility; he’s already doing more then his fair share, by helping to support me.

K, the rest gets a bit screwier, cause I got so angry, I’ve forgotten/blocked/ignored what happened next, but basically, I heard JJ in the background demanding to talk to me. He gets on the phone and starts yelling at me! Just attacks, period, and telling me I don’t love my daughter and I’ve never helped her and something about it being my responsibility – I’m like, excuse me??? He called me a name – a bitch, or something, I just don’t honestly remember now cause I was already at my boiling point. I said something like, this is not my responsibility, she’s your wife – if you’d get a job (he’s screaming at me and trying to talk over me, too) and keep a job, you wouldn’t be in this position, you son of a bitch Incredulous tone from him, that I dared call him a son of a bitch, and he starts screaming louder about this being my fault and more, till I blew up and just shouted fuck you! and hung up on his ass. S sees me shaking and pissed and I’m starting to tell him about the call, when JJ phones back. S answered the phone.

JJ started off somewhat polite and asked S if he had a problem with him too, S still doesn’t have the full story – when now the moron verbally attacks S (same stuff, it’s his and my fault he and Spring are being kicked out, have no money, etc.) except S has experience dealing with assholes like this (i.e. – my ex-louse *winks*) and is able to talk just as fast and louder then JJ. . . JJ threatens to drive out here – S told him to bring it on, he’d love to kick his ass. . . S kept telling him to shut the fuck up and listen, and told JJ in no uncertain terms – if he’d bother to act responsible and get a job and keep it and quit calling off sick while still on probation, he wouldn’t be in this position; moreover, he had nothing to do with creating Destiny, or their marriage, and was in no way responsible for anything to do with their lives. Sometime during this shouting match, JJ ‘threatened’ S with taking Spring & Destiny and making sure we’d never see them again. S told him to do what he had to do. He also told JJ that if he ever called me a name, yelled at me or was rude like that to me ever again, he’d hunt him down and whip his ass, that I didn’t deserve that treatment and I was no more responsible for the predictament they’re in, then he himself, was/is. JJ ended up hanging up on S. Then Spring phoned back about 15 minutes later and apologized for JJ’s behavior – S told her he didn’t accept, that it was up to JJ to finally be a man and own up to his own actions. She begged him for money – he told her absolutely no, he was not supporting her or her family, period. She was crying and tried to say if Destiny was removed from her custory due to no housing, it’d be his fault – he calmly explained to her the same thing he told JJ earlier – he has no responsibilities as far as her family is concerned, that she should wise up and leave JJ , pointing out how she had actually started saving money before he came back again, that Mark & Heather didn’t have a problem with her and Destiny staying with them (rent free, mind you) – until JJ came into the picture.

He told her he wasn’t trying to tell her how to live her life, but as she is fond of saying, she’s an adult and can run her own life – he said part of that is taking the consequences along with the decisions she makes, and that no one – including JJ’s own family – was willing to help her when the fat son of a bitch refused to even try to work and support himself.

I don’t know when – or if – I’ll ever see Destiny, again.

I needed to make some kind of record on this, the fact that JJ verbally attacked first me, and then S; the fact that JJ tried to ‘call S out’ and fight – I know he’s too damn chicken to physically fight S. However, I honestly believe he’d take the cowards way of battling, and could try to do something destructive to the Eclipse, knowing how much it means to S. So on the record – there are no dents or dings on the car; there are 2 minor scratches, one on each door, that can be buffed out (someone opened their own vehicle door and bumped the Eclipse) and there is one ‘deep’ (i.e. to the primer) scratch on the passenger front fender. All tires are in decent shape and all windows are whole and in good repair. In other words, the car is in damn good to excellent condition.

Dammit, I don’t even need this drama bullshit in my life. They’re both so wanting to blame everyone else for their poor decisions and resulting predictament, and don’t bother to think what they do to anyone else, the fact that my health still isn’t the greatest since I got so sick (the pollen thing) and that Spring has been phoning me almost daily, adding more and more stress on me. They just feel the world ‘owes’ them and they’re being treated unfairly. Dammit, I’m done.