
This just ain’t right. *sighs* It’s official, the WB has cancelled “Angel” in mid season. I’ve had a lot of fictional blows these last several months. I mean, first, my absolute favorite Harry Potter character, Sirius Black, (introduced in the soon to be released third movie, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban“) is killed off in the fifth book of the series, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix“. Then, last spring, one of my top favorite tv shows is cancelled, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer“. When Cordy came out of her coma on “Angel” I had a sneaky suspicion they were thinking of cancelling it – especially after seeing the previews for next week’s episode, where it appears Fred will be in big danger. When I saw the preview, my first thought was – uh-oh, they’re wrapping up all the story lines, no loose threads . . . and I was right, dammit. I just read at TV Guide Online that the show has officially been cancelled by the WB.

Damn, I’m not sure I can handle another blow of this magnitude. I’m serious here, people. When Sirius died, I was literally depressed. I felt as bad as if a real life friend died. Buffy going away was almost – but thankfully not quite – as bad; the only reason it didn’t hit me quite as hard, was I had time to get use to it ending, what with all of the announcements concerning that. And now my vampire champion is going away.

I don’t know, maybe it’s my creative side that allows me to feel so close and truly love these fictional characters; all I know is, it really does hurt when they leave. With my luck, they’ll replace the “Angel” timeslot with some more of that crappy reality bullshit. Personally, I’m so sick of the various Survivor Islands’, American Idols (although I do like Simon, I can’t stand being told by others what music I should like), and the like, I could scream. Or, just quit watching tv altogether. Hmm, granted, only a single viewer, but something to think about. I mean, I have almost 100 dvd’s of my own, a subscription to NetFlix for more movies, books and my PC to keep me entertained – yeah, I could do without ‘regular’ tv. Hell, it seems like when people get really involved with a show, that’s when the network chooses – in all of their idiocy – to pull the plug. Really, I mean, what’s next . . . “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” . . . “CSI Miami” . . . “Smallville” . . . or even, *gasp* “Charmed“???

This just sucks.