CH Heather

Well, I did exactly as I hoped I wouldn’t do – fell behind on putting things here. So much has been happening… still no job for S, but plenty of supporters who are willing to give him good to excellent references, which is a big plus. Hopefully, he won’t be out of work too long…

I’ve been busy making pages and sending little cards and such, to my Secret Sister and the DD I’m spoiling – that’s been fun, and a very nice distraction. I got one email from my Mystery DD – nothing from my Secret Sis yet…

Haven’t heard from Unity, on their pages, so no new news there… I did find out from my Mom, that the Kerr House would like me to do a total make-over on their pages, a fresh look. Am waiting to get some more info, before I start anything.

Heather is in heat, and driving evryone nuts! Silly girl, keeps trying to ride her own daughter! Worse, she also tries to ride poor Decker’s head! LoL Imagine this tiny Sheltie, spraddled on top of this huge Afghan Hound’s head… it’s hilarious, although poor Decker is going nuts!

Lastly…bad news on Jyl. She has CML leukemia. She apparently has had it for years, but it was quiet while in the chronic stage… now, it’s gone into crisis stage. Treatment is harder in this stage. But, she now is aware of what she has, and as a typical, stoic person, is ready to fight it. Bone marrow transplant sounds like a good option – 50% of those receiveing this type of treatment, recover with no reoccurances of the disease. Excellent odds! Her bone marrow sample has been sent to the Mayo Clinic, among other prestigious medical facilites… her oncologist expects to hear back from them in 4-7 days, and will then establish a treatment protocol…

damn… add to all of this, here it is, the 2nd – and my automatic deposit of my disability check has NOT been made yet… I’m still waiting to hear from PERS, why this happened… we can’t afford to not make rent on time – there’s a $79 late fee, roughly 1/8th of my monthly income… *sighs* damn….