dog vomit

Wanna know how I spent the majority of my weekend? Cleaning up dog vomit and diahrrea… sounds yummy, no? Have no clue what’s going on here… Fri(the 13th-first bad one I’ve  ever  had) Decker woke me up by vomiting – loudly. I discovered piss and diahrrea spots all over my bedroom… thinking back, it was probably Sat, not Fri, this happened on… later in the day, Remi began barfing – about 5 minutes after being fed. Diahrrea started for her, about 20 minutes later.

Musta been Fri – cause all food and water was removed for all day Sat. I always remover food and water, to give their tummies a chance to rest, after gastro upsets. Sunday, they were given a small drink around noon – handled that no prob, so gave them another drink about a half hour later. Again, no prob, so allowed the water dish to remain accessible for the rest of the day, about an hour later. Interesting note here – Heather did NOT get sick. All 3 are on same food, go potty same area of the back yard, etc. Figured it was the chicken stock from the Cornish game hens that did it – it “did” smell bad, the day Remi got sick.

So, Sunday, on to next phase. Didn’t have any rice for a bland diet, so gave all 3 dogs some pasta – nothing added other then an extremely watered down gravy, for flavoring. Everyone handled that, no prob. Have to be off on my timing here, in writing this – cause last night I fed them regular dog food, since they had handled the pasta diet with no problems for almost a full 24 hours. Any-hoo… the dog food had spaghetti sauce as the gravy (almost pure hamburg, little tomato sauce, lots’a mushrooms) woke up from Decker’s diahrrea again…. Remi began vomiting and diahrrea about 4-5 hours later… back to cleaning up like crazy, still not seeing any signs of illness in Heather… everyone is up to date on shots… damn I want a cigarette