
Got the headache back a wee bit, but not as bad as yesterday at least. S had 1 interview during the day, got a lot straightened out (with part of his old company). Other interview didn’t come through yet – head of Human Resources was unavailable after all… *sighs* I’m sure he’ll be back working again soon, tho…

shitty days

Man, what a shitty, shitty day! Wow… had a caffiene headache most of the day… and no real caffiene in the house (although I DID have 2 cups of coffee)… S came home saying he was so pissed off from some things at work, that he was ready to quit… he’s contracted to a MAJOR computer firm… well, he called his agency and said to find him a new job… 20 min’s later, they phone back to say he was fired!

Bogus politics, all the way… for the previous 3-4 months, they absolutely RAVED about him… today, they phone and say “he’s ALWAYS had an attitude problem, and has extremely poor customer service skills…” Ha! He has THE highest rating, with customer satisfaction… part of the problem is, he created a document in Publisher, that the company is now using WORLD-WIDE in all of their offices… one of THE highest up bosses, came into a meeting, wanting to “personally thank” the creater of said document…. When lo-and-behold, S’s boss stands up and claims SHE created the document – so she got all of the kudo’s from it! Later, she took S aside and told him she wasn’t a registered user of Publisher, and needed HIS license info to validate herself… he essentially told her, tough shit, I’m the lisenced user and all that info is at home…


But, all’s well that ends well…. due to yet another wee drama in our lives, I phoned our ISP for a different matter, and they are EXTREMELY interested in hiring S!!! LoL He has an interview tomorrow morning…

Still have my headache… crossed over to a migraine, but I’ll survive. I always do. Damn thing’s messing with my memory tho, which is a bummer. I know I came online to do something specific, but can’t remember what now… oh well, it’ll come to me eventually….


Hmm, coulda swore I blogged yesterday… but according to my last entry, I didn’t. Oh well. Nothing much happened, any way’s… it’s still raining quite a bit, so the dogs and me (especially me!) get pretty soaked every time we go outside… oh, Heather got her first real “taste” or experience with S’s surround sound system… *grins* I was watching that older Harrison Ford movie, Witness (good movie, btw) when the young Amish boy, Samuel, wanted to show HF his kittens… they were a mewing away and Heather’s head jerked up (she had been trying to entice me to play ball for the thousandth time today! LoL) She turned and stared at the TV, then trotted over to it, ears up at full alert… she cocked her head to the right, then the left… meanwhile, Remi stole the ball and was ignoring the kittens mewing, trying to get Mom to toss the ball! The scene changed, kittens fogotten – but not by Heather! LoL Leave it to a Mom, to respond to baby sounds…


Arghhh! I hate yahell… *sighs* I wanted to try the new beta messenger, to try making a free pc to phone call… S is using it on his puter now, I can’t get the damn thing to work on mine. Keeps timing out… man I hate yahell…


Well, Tony never came over, nor did he call… on the up side, I finished Hannibal. It was decent, loved the part where Clarice went over totally to Hannibal’s side and ate the brain from Krendler – awesome scene! Most of the Mason Verger stuff was pretty good, up until Margot killed him, that is… At the same time, the book was a bit of a disappointment, after all of my hopes and build-ups over it… oh well. Gonna start re-reading Silence of the Lambs as soon as I finish here, read till I fall asleep.

Note to self, Febreze is NO GOOD at squashing the aroma of moth balls! Although the scent isn’t as strong as when I first sprinkled them onto the carpeting, I can still smell them… yuck, can almost taste them!

Springy phoned earlier. I was happy to hear she had that bad tooth taken care of… poor baby was in so much pain – and being such a baby when it comes to mouth pain, I can really empathsize with her!


On the flea problem here… I just sprinkled the living room and sunroom with moth crystals and now must wait 15 minutes to vacuum it up. When I’m done there, I’ll do my bedroom, as it’s the second most favored place for the dogs… *grins* well, actually, any room I inhabit, is a favorite room for them! LoL But I forgot to buy the darn apple cider vinegar, for their drinking water. I need to pick that up… damn I hate seeing my furbabies chew and scratch!

Ahh, the aroma of moth balls is invading my room (blech!) with only another 12 minutes to go before I can vacuum! Thankfully, I remembered to buy some Febreze, to help kill the smell when I’m done… just like S, the scent of moth balls tends to bring a migraine on in me….

Well, I’m off for a bit, I do believe. I’ve caught up on my email, made a working page for Unity that they like, and haven’t any new ideas for changes to my own domain… so… think I’ll get back to reading Hannibal, and finish the book off. I am curious if Mason Verger will be successful in feeding Hannibal alive, to his man eating pigs *grins* Having briefly raised some of those domestic critters for food, I know how mean they can be at feeding time! Thomas Harris researched well, describing their sharp little teeth perfectly….


Another rainy day in Georgia… *chuckles* We need the rain, tho. I understand – having recently moved here – that GA has been in a 2 year drought. Two years! Wow… so the last 2 days of heavy rain, is much needed. But, many, many GA drivers are idiots. They’re even worse(if that’s possible! No, wait, it is possible! LoL) in any type of inclement weather… S said he was almost hit, on his way home from work yesterday… sheesh…

Poor Heather! She looked absolutely miserable, when I took her out, earlier… *grins* she hid under some bushes, trying to get out of the rain. It was funny, actually. And the thing is, with as thick and plush as her coat is, of the 3 dogs, I’m sure she felt the least amount of wetness! LoL Poor Decker is hit the hardest, with his combination silky/cottony coat – like a bay’s hair. He was drenched in less than a second!

Hmm… this Blog may turn out to be a good thing for me, yet… writing some things here, have an almost cathartic effect on me, while I’m getting the benefit of almost religiously writing on a daily basis. Which is a good discipline for a writer. Mayhaps these meanderings will help ye old creative juices to start flowing once again, so I can turn out some decent fiction!


Sometimes I do kinda get an urge to write a regular, gory, slash ’em up kind of thing… but I think I’m better at the psychological thriller part of horror. Speaking of which, I was quite pleased by a recent email… a poetry writer had stopped at my site and said she had been searching the net for years, always searching for decent writing… and disappointed, time after time… until finding my site. *smiles* She said my writing far surpassed decent, that it was downright GREAT! *grins* That made me feel real good… especially since ye old creative juices seem to be trying to trickle again… lord I hope so. I’ve missed writing, almost as much as I miss Lady…


Pitiful. I’m tired, but can’t sleep… a) I just took a shower to help relax me, and I try to never goto sleep with wet hair – too many snarls!; 2) I’m excited about seeing Tony tomorrow *smiles*; and c) I have the teeniest, tiniest, tidbit of an inkling of an idea forming, for a new story! It’ll be horror, I can feel that… besides, it’s being inspired by Thomas Harris’ Hannibal. Good book, btw… a bit wordy at times, but good. I’m looking forward to finishing it, then re-reading Silence of the Lambs again. Oh, and I’ll need to re-buy Red Dragon… for the life of me, I canNOT remember Hannibal Lector being introduced in that book.

*sighs* S needs to be up for work in 2 hours… I don’t know what time Tony will be stopping by, and I simply HAVE to use the moth crystals tomorrow. I can’t stand watching my poor furbabies chew and scratch! But I don’t want the house to stink like moth balls when Tony gets here, nor do I want to be sweaty from vaccuuming! Arghhhh!


I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from Tony tonight *smiles* he said he may be in my neck of the woods tomorrow, and will try to stop by… as usual, he’s working so much, we rarely get time together… I’ve loved him for so long now, I can’t remember ever not loving him… I wish we could have a life together….

I wrote two of the Unity Board members earlier, heard back from one. She really likes the background I made for the Unity page – quite simple, actually, but on a bordered and tabled background in various shades of blue, ’tis quite elegant in a simple way.

Ooooo, I was SOOooooo angry to see Remi, Decker and Heather all chewing on themselves today. They have fleas! Arghhhhh! Spring could have told me she had a flea problem. I would have made other arrangements for the dogs… so I went out and bought moth crystals to use, and new vaccuum sweeper bags – but forgot the apple cider vinegar. Will have to pick that up tomorrow. Can’t let these poor babies be bothered by those loathsome critters for too long!