Camelot Dreams

Well, since I was last able to pop in here – S wrote an email that got good results . . . my connection hasn’t died *knocks on wood* in 4-days, and counting; another BoD member from Camelot Dreams is MIA, leaving me handling the votes and such for the Grail, Drawbridge, Moat, Cave, Lake and Scribes team (since last Wednesday), *sighs* burnout could happen fairly quickly, folks; my Aunt Jean had a stroke, and during the testing, they found 2 small holes in her heart . . . she is currently undergoing carotid surgery, and will have cardiac surgery to repair her heart, in about 3 weeks; I’ve ‘fleshed out’ the current story a bit more, after hearing some of Spring’s comments . . . granted, it’s only bumped me up to 6 completed pages, but I believe they’re more powerful now – and I’m aiming on having them published to my Library, by this weekend; my NetFlix rental of “Identity” starring John Cusak, Ray Liotta and Jake Busey arrived – it was excellent!

Of course, those are just the highlights. I had a nice visit with Spring and Destiny on Valentine’s Day (JJ chose to go out to a bar and celebrate the holiday by himself) and we enjoyed watching “Seabiscuit” together. Remi, as always, is up for a good horse and/or action movie, i.e. read: she whined, paced, worried, upgraded her knowledge of horse language and generally made a nuisance of herself. *grins*

And now I gotta run – did the deposit thing for S already, but my clothes should be done by now. Oh. Might help if I had mentioned I was doing laundry today, huh?

neck hurts

Got another page written. And my neck still hurts, spreading down into my shoulders and upper back now. At least it’s not quite as bad as yesterday – I can turn my head fairly easily. Painfully, but fairly easily. Rainy and wet out still – and too tired to treat my neck the way I did yesterday. Repeated hot showers and liberal coatings of Biofreeze. Besides, going to bed early tonight – gotta get up early to take Eclipse in for the 60,000 overhaul.


OMG! Thank you, RuPaul! He not only updated his blog, but gave a link to Charlie Brown’s homepage – which gave a link to the one and only Goddess of the South, Raven‘s homepage! I’m giddy! *grins* Raven has a permanent link, to the left – she is awesome!

I had a dream, the other night – probably closer to a nightmare, really. It stuck with me after waking up; it didn’t leave me filled with horror or dread, rather, a bunch of what if’s came to mind. But, I didn’t do anything with it . . . mainly because of the rainy, dreary day here. I was in so much pain, could barely move my head – my neck was so stiff, was close to tears most of the day. No way I’d be able to force myself to sit at my desk long enough to jot notes or anything.

Well, when I woke up this morning, the previous dream was still so vivid, I thought, This is just too good to pass up, I gotta get this down! And I sat down and wrote 4 pages, effortlessly – while listening to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata“. *grins* I’ll let you, my readers, be the judge. Is she back? *winks* Hopefully, the new story will be posted in my Library, by this weekend. I’m also starting another ‘rant’ for my Musings area, which should (hopefully) be ready this weekend, and posted in my Library as well.


K, I took the quiz (see at bottom) and took care of my Hobo and CritticAge character. I stopped by RuPaul’s, Lady Aries and Tatianna’s (see side link) blogs, again, but no recent updates. I took care of my Camelot Dreams and DBW duties.

I’m still waiting for my passport (it’s not due for a few weeks yet, however) and need to do my taxes. I’ve made the appointment to have the 60,000 mile overhaul done to the Eclipse (woo-hoo, Friday the 13th, baby! *winks* It’s actually a lucky day for me, I just might play the lottery! *grins*) and have my bills current. I had a nice visit with my Mom last night, we talked for almost an hour. (Mental note, phone bill will be big this month!) I know I have to goto the bank and get taxi fair (to pick up the Eclipse when it’s done) and goto the store for a few items (mainly, cat food and Coke). I already wished Spring ‘Happy Birthday‘ (my baby turned 24 last Friday! *gasps*)

Yet, I feel like I’m forgetting something, something important. But I don’t know what.

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Destiny & Remi

Spring, JJ & Destiny came over last night. I swear, Destiny is getting cuter and cuter! *grins* Okay, I’m biased . . . Destiny discovered the true joy of rough and tumble play with a dog, tonight. If I hadn’t been sitting, I would have fallen over from laughing so hard! She grabbed one of the dogs toys, and waved it in Remi’s face. Remi glanced at me, to make sure it was okay, then took Destiny up on her challenge. She yanked on the toy, pulling Destiny about a foot. Destiny’s eyes opened wide as she was tugged across the living room; she toppled over and we heard a loud screech. Remi jumped backwards with a guilty look. Spring and I both started to get up, when Destiny sat up – laughing so hard she could hardly catch her breath – a high pitched screeching laugh! Spring & I busted up laughing, and when Remi realized it was okay, the baby wasn’t unhappy – she ran back over and grabbed the toy, yanking Destiny over till she toppled into a complete somersalt. She laughed and laughed – Spring & I were ready to cry, we were laughing so hard.

So Remi started playing with Destiny, the same way she plays with Heather. She ran in tight circles around Destiny – Destiny spinning, trying to follow Remi, dizzy and laughing, till she’d plop down on her butt. Then Remi would drop the toy at Destiny’s feet. She’d bend over and just get her little hand on the toy, when Remi would quickly snatch it back and do the tight circles all over again. *laughing* One time, as Destiny was bending to grab for the toy, she bonked heads – hard – with Remi. Spring and I held our breath, certain that would bring on tears . . . Destiny stood back up, reaching to rub her forehead, and screeched with laughter again! She tried to chase Remi, then would turn around and run. Naturally, Remi would chase her back. *chuckles* She is from the Herding Group, after all! Besides, Destiny’s little tennis shoes have red lights in them that light up when she steps down – and it sort of looks like a laser light pointing at her feet – laser lights are one of Remi’s top favorite toys.

They continued to chase one another and play tug of war for about a half hour. At times, Remi would pull Destiny over and Destiny still wouldn’t let go of the toy, so she’d be pulled across the floor on her back or belly – whichever she landed on when she was pulled over. *laughs* I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much.


Well, “Angel” was okay last night, although I was disappointed to see Cordy (Charisma Carpenter) die off – yet, it is understandable that she wants out, with a new (real life) baby. But still. . . .

Again, I’m already tired – and it’s only 11:30a.m.! Once again, didn’t get much sleep due to achiness; I can feel the rain moving in, too – I’m really aching and my fingers are super stiff, too. I’ll pop back in later – rainy (expected) connection permitting, but now I need to potty the girls and then think I’ll curl up on the couch – nestled under a blanket, of course! – and read my “How To Write A Damn Good Mystery” book.


My connection has been shitty once again, due to loads of rain. Not that I had all that much I needed to say here, but still . . . since I last had a chance to blog, I’ve watched the first 5 “Taken” disc’s, and absolutely loved it! I’m waiting for the final disc – special features, so far, I do plan to buy the series. Like I said, I really enjoyed it.

Did the passport thingy, yesterday – now I wait 6 weeks for it to show up. S said Bridgette is waiting for her son Charlie’s passport to show up, then she and the boys will be heading to Tokyo for awhile. He said this will be a visit, but according to Andy, they’ll be moving to Tokyo around June-July; also, brother Glen and family plans to move to Malaysia around the same time, and intends to make the Malaysia office the new headquarters – but keep the Tokyo office the main network hub. *grins* ‘Course, S is repeatedly telling both brothers that he’d prefer to live in Hong Kong!

Mom phoned a few days ago with a monitor problem – it died, just 2 days before she had to have an important talk completed. So, I gave her some advise on purchasing a new (preferably used) monitor, where to look for one, etc. Well, she had troubles getting it unplugged – her hands acting up, so Don called around to various friends and neighbors, to see if someone could help. Guy from 2 houses down wan’t home, but his brother was there and offered to come help. As he’s disconnecting monitor, Mom is telling him what I said and why she’s in a rush, and he says – hang on a sec. He takes off and comes back a few minutes later with a 17″ monitor and givers it to her. To say Mom was thrilled, is an understatement, believe me! *chuckles* Guy refused any kind of payment – he’s aware of how pricing has gone down, btw – and also offered to give Mom some tech support every now and then – what a huge help (and relief! *winks*) for me!

Spring hasn’t stopped by for a few weeks now, although she did phone a week ago and promise to bring Destiny this weekend – which was last weekend. No show, no call.

Am slowly reading one of my new books, “How To Write A Damn Good Mystery” currently . . . slowly, as I’m really enjoying it and picking up some good advice, so really soaking it in. Also completed the one afghan I mentioned awhile back, and just about completed another one – have about 3 more sections to knit before I put everything together.

Lord I’m tired. Haven’t been sleeping very well – rain, and all the pain it causes. Plus, I’ve been setting my alarm for 8:45a.m. and getting up at that time every morning, as long as I’ve managed to get a minimum of 3 hours sleep before the alarm goes off. And still staying up till anywhere between 3-5a.m. before I goto bed. *sighs* I have a feeling I’ll probably crash shortly after the 100th episode of “Angel” tonight. Damn – hands are acting up, clumsy – am having to correct a lot of typo’s here. K, I’m off to scrounge up dinner and maybe catch a movie before tonight’s tv shows!

Taken 1&2

Well, I watched “Taken” 1 & 2 again, and sent them back to NetFlix. Disc’s 4 & 5 should be here tomorrow, so I may watch 3 tonight . . . not sure, as I’m quite tired, only got 3 hours of sleep last night. Had the bone density scan today (btw, my last one was closer to 3 years ago, they said – in March, it’d be 3 years) – and, my books arrived! Right now, am thinking of heading out to the couch and skimming the books, then likely dozing off. Not too interested in regular tv until 9 (“Boston Public” followed by “The Handler” at 10) any way’s. Besides, I feel a low level headache coming on, and those can really drag me down since they so closely resemble a low caffiene intake headache. Finally got my passport photo’s taken – not too bad. At least, they don’t make me wanna barf. *laughs* Next comes dropping the photo’s and application off, at the Post Office – paying for it, of course! *winks* – then waiting the 6-8 weeks for it to be mailed to me. Geez, it’s all coming together . . . I just might get to visit S in Japan, this summer!


My books still haven’t arrived; I am currently watching the Sci-Fi Channel series (via dvd), “Taken” and really like it, no, love it! I can’t wait for the next dvd’s to be shipped to me – I’ve watched the first 3, out of 6. Of course, Steven Spielberg has long been known to produce excellent movies – and this miniseries is no exception, believe me.

I never did phone Mom . . . S seems to be feeling better, finally, and his package from home was released – Customs had it for a few days . . . my tax forms arrived, guess it’s about time to file. . . .

Listening to Creed – “What’s This Life For” right now, haven’t been able to get it out of my mind for a few hours, so finally pulled the mp3 up to listen. Oddly enough, the song got stuck in my mind when I was doing some Camelot Dreams stuff . . . some areas haven’t been updated all week, and no word from the people who handle those same areas, either. Still haven’t gotten the graphics I requested for the games, awhile back. Hell, only 2 people even bothered to play the games. People just keep coming up MIA, probably why this song is stuck in my mind. My third playing is right now, btw.

I have a bone density scan scheduled for tomorrow. A follow-up for a study I participated in, actually. The last scan was 2 years ago; the study is concerning kidney stone formation and familial connections. I’ve never had one, but one of my brothers had at least one a month. Two other brothers each had a kidney stone at least once. The last brother has never had one, either. Now, if I could just fall asleep at a decent hour tonight, so I wake in time for my appointment. . . .

still cold….

Well, the rain has stopped finally, but it’s still quite cold and the humidity is 65% – I’m sitting here fully clothed, with my bathrobe on for added warmth, and debating about changing to my real heavy bathrobe! I already have some circulation related problems, this cold is really causing havoc on my hands – my fingers are slower to respond and clumsier than usual. The dogs seem comfortable enough – twerps are even blowing coat! And I should call and check on my Mom – she’s in Ohio. *shivers* (It’s 32 degrees Farenheit with a windchill of 19, here – originally coming from Ohio, I can imagine how cold it is there!)

I’m thinking I’ll head out and watch the two serial killer movies (“Dahmer” and “Gacy“) one more time, take some notes on how the actors portray them, notes in general really, then seal them up to ship back to NetFlix. I had planned on doing some graphic tutorials today, but with the way my hands/fingers are acting, I don’t think I’d have much success. And I do need to get some graphics created for the Camelot Dreams activities, too. But, as cold as I am, the best place to be (other then under my thick quilt on the heated water bed *grins*) is cuddled under a blanket, with the critters, on the couch, watching movies – then maybe reading. It’s taken me wayyyy too long just doing this simple update here, what with needing to correct many spelling mistakes while my fingers clumsily hit too many keys, so I won’t even try to add to my current writing ‘works in progress.’ I get frustrated enough with all of the creative stalls, to add the frustration of spelling/typing errors. Ooo, I think my latest Writer’s Digest shipment should be here within a week, too – to bad it didn’t arrive before this cold spell! Although it does say it’s been shipped to me, already. . . .